- Accommodation
Contact the CERN Hostel directly to book a room. More details about the hostel can be found via https://sce-dep.web.cern.ch/campus-life/housing . If you are a CERN registered User with a CERN login and password you can book a room online, otherwise you can reserve a room via email housing.service@cern.ch or by telephone +41 22 767 4481.
If the CERN hostel is full or if you prefer not to stay on the CERN site, you will find a list of local hotels and information about preferential rates via https://sce-dep.web.cern.ch/housing/hotels-local-area .
- Indico account
If you don't have an INDICO account, please register here and create a lightweight account :
- How to reach the 30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium
The conference room is located in the 30/7-018, 7th floor.
You can use the following tools to reach the building:
1. the CERN map - link
2. the CERN offline mobile app: MapCERN - Native Application (link)
- Bus to reach the 30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium
You can also take the bus 1 from the main entrance, in front of the building 300 to reach the 30/7-018 room (bus stop building 30), which operates as follow:
at 8h31, 8h51, 9h11, 9h31
From the building 30 to the main entrance, timeslots are:
at 17h08, 17h28, 17h48, 18h08
- Cafeterias and restaurants for the lunch
1.The closed restaurant to the 30/7-018 conference room, is the Restaurant 2 (building 504)
2. The cafeteria of the building 30 is also open for lunch, but has less options (building 30, 7th floor)
You can also contact us on:
+41 227 667 626