- Adi Ashkenazi (Tel Aviv University (IL))
- Adi Ashkenazi (Tel Aviv University (IL))
Neutrino cross-sections are often extracted purely in terms of lepton kinematics. In recent years more detailed analyses have been developed that additionally make use of kinematics in the hadronic system, which has proven very successful. However, even with new detector technologies of unparalleled precision, pattern recognition and reconstruction algorithms still require particle momenta...
OmniFold: A Method to Simultaneously Unfold All Observables
The choice of unfolding method for a cross-section measurement is tightly coupled to the model dependence of the efficiency correction and the overall impact of cross-section modeling uncertainties in the analysis. A key issue is the dimensionality used, as the kinematics of all outgoing particles in an event typically affects the reconstruction performance in a neutrino detector. OmniFold is...
Unfolding: a statistician's perspective
Estimating the impact of systematic uncertainties in particle physics experiments is challenging, especially since the detector response is unknown analytically in most situations and needs to be estimated through Monte Carlo (MC) simulations. Typically, detector property variations are parameterized in ways that implicitly assume a specific physics model, which can introduce biases on...