Coordination meeting agenda
Participants (add present)
Adnan Ghribi (present)
Sabrina Lecerf (present)
Verena Kain (present)
Jade Varin (present)
Adrian Oeftiger (present)
Christine Darve (present)
Annika Eichler (present)
Workshop organisation
- Summary of the overall organisation of the workshop [Adnan/Sabrina]
- Working groups organisation [all]
- Send list of participants
- Draft to be filled by WG [Jade]
- Include the table that is in the template application form [Jade] - it will be in the WG directory (nextcloud)
- Meeting rooms distribution [Verena]
- Lodging, dinner, annoucements, ... [Sabrina]
- People at Ibis Saint Genis -
- Shuttle bus (what is the company)
- 19th of July - everything is at walking distance
- 18th of July - from Prevessin to Meyrin and back - organized ! (for lunch?)
- Other subjects, requests [all]
- Access - send an email to everyone for access request to CERN
- Use of computer / wifi at CERN
- National Reseach Agency meeting report on Infra calls [Adnan] - Advices
- Highlight the complementarity of the ESFR RI
- Address all the points of the infra
- Balance the distribution of roles between contributors
- Make sure there is an industrial participation (as partner)
- Make sure to highlight how the project will advance European sovereignty in our field
- This infra is competitive. Try to have a look at previous projects, successful ones as well as unsuccessful ones.
- Do not do the same thing as an accepted 2023 project
- One has to read clearly the keywords in the workpackages names
- Gender balance and age for WP leaders is important
- Address risks and identify milestones
- From Giovanni De Carne discussion
- Make it readable and tangible. One has to quantify the outcomes
- What is the impact of society ?
- Dissemination is important
- Have one or two main targets for the call with a demonstrator like deliverable at the end
- A platform (data) can be one of the deliverable [Adrian]
- Our call is an action grant based call [Adrian], so usual WP split
- Make sure the results of the project are sustainable in the future (roadmap, platform, ...)
- Workpackages can follow a life cycle like structure [Christine]
- ESF is legally a not for profit organisation that is involved and has been involved in a number of European scientific projects. They are for instance co-ordinating NUPECC and involved in EOSC. They are also involved in Astrophysics/Space projects as well as dissemination projects (internet of things)
- They are willing to participate as partners in co-writing, assessment, review, grant evaluation. They can also do secretarial and administrative work. Their participation would be at no cost.
- I discussed with them the possible coordination of the implication of industry in the project.
- I also discussed with them the coordination of the TRAINABLE network, including organisation of other funds applications.
- ESRF discussion [Adnan] : ESRF is in
- Names clarification Network vs Infra call [Adnan/all]
- Advisory Board within the TRAINABLE network
ToDO (critic for other projects):
- persuasively address the interdisciplinarity among different scientific domains and how the proposers plan to cooperate in designing complex experiments.
- provide sufficient details about the data and metadata schemes that will be used for the representation and description of data, or how the scale of data will be managed and data quality ensured, including reliability and verifiability
- be precise: exact ML algorithm, ...
- indicators to measure impact are not ambitious enough to maximize the outreach and wide acceptance of project's outcomes
- exploitation strategy is not sufficiently well discussed and organised. give detail on other potential exploitation routes (especially for industrial exploitation).
- allocation of responsibilities needs to be well balanced,
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