Particle Physics on the Plains will be held on October 14-15, 2023, at the University of Kansas. The workshop facilitates a discussion about the latest results in particle phenomenology and theory among particle theorists in the region. The format will be in person.
Talks are intended to be mostly student/postdoc talks. If there is room in the schedule, we will add faculty talks. Nevertheless, this is an excellent opportunity for faculty to keep up on research in the region and gather for lengthy discussions.
Annular Solar Eclipse: The annular solar eclipse is on October 14. In Lawrence the eclipse will be 60% totality with a peak at 11:59 am. The Department of Physics & Astronomy has activities planned near Malott Hall starting at 11 am. Lunch this year starts a little earlier than normal at 11:30 am so that you can participate. More information can be found in the menu item.
September 14, 2023 There are funds available to help support lodging for students and postdocs who give talks. To be eligible for these funds students/postdocs must register and submit a talk abstract by 11:59 pm CDT September 14, 2023. Preference will be given to regional theoretical particle physics students/postdocs. However, provided funds are available, we will support the lodging of additional students/postdocs. Further details are on the registration and lodging pages.
October 7, 2023 Registration closes at midnight CDT.
Confirmed invited speakers: Brian Batell (University of Pittsburgh) has agree to attend and give a talk, and Flera Rizatdinova (Oklahoma State University) will give an experimental overview.
COVID-19: Information about COVID-19 regulations at KU can be found here:
Lunch on Saturday and coffee breaks will be provided during the conference.
This workshop is supported in part by the Research Excellence Initiative of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the University of Kansas, the University of Kansas Office of Research, and the University of Kansas Department of Physics & Astronomy.
Previous year's website: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2022 (Part 1), 2022 (Part 2)
Organizers: Talal Chowdhury, KC Kong, Ian Lewis (chair), Douglas McKay, John Ralston