Particle Physics on the Plains​ 2023

2048 Malott Hall (University of Kansas)

2048 Malott Hall

University of Kansas

Department of Physics & Astronomy University of Kansas Lawrence, KS

Particle Physics on the Plains will be held on October 14-15, 2023, at the University of Kansas. The workshop facilitates a discussion about the latest results in particle phenomenology and theory among  particle theorists in the region.  The format will be in person.

Talks are intended to be mostly student/postdoc talks.  If there is room in the schedule, we will add faculty talks.  Nevertheless, this is an excellent opportunity for faculty to keep up on research in the region and gather for lengthy discussions.

Annular Solar Eclipse: The annular solar eclipse is on October 14. In Lawrence the eclipse will be 60% totality with a peak at 11:59 am.  The Department of Physics & Astronomy has activities planned near Malott Hall starting at 11 am.  Lunch this year starts a little earlier than normal at 11:30 am so that you can participate.  More information can be found in the menu item.

September 14, 2023  There are funds available to help support lodging for students and postdocs who give talks. To be eligible for these funds students/postdocs must register and submit a talk abstract by 11:59 pm CDT September 14, 2023.  Preference will be given to regional theoretical particle physics students/postdocs.  However, provided funds are available, we will support the lodging of additional students/postdocs.  Further details are on the registration and lodging pages.

October 7, 2023 Registration closes at midnight CDT.

Confirmed invited speakers:  Brian Batell (University of Pittsburgh) has agree to attend and give a talk, and Flera Rizatdinova (Oklahoma State University) will give an experimental overview.

COVID-19:  Information about COVID-19 regulations at KU can be found here:

Lunch on Saturday and coffee breaks will be provided during the conference.

This workshop is supported in part by the Research Excellence Initiative of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the University of Kansas, the University of Kansas Office of Research, and the University of Kansas Department of Physics & Astronomy.

Previous year's website:  2017, 2018, 2019, 2022 (Part 1), 2022 (Part 2)

Organizers: Talal Chowdhury, KC Kong, Ian Lewis (chair), Douglas McKay, John Ralston

  • Aaroodd UR
  • Adil Hussain
  • Ajay Kaladharan
  • Akanksha Bhardwaj
  • Alberto Navarro
  • Alexander Khanov
  • Alisa Nozdrina
  • Andrew Ivanov
  • Anthony Hooper
  • Aparajitha Karthikeyan
  • Athar Ahmad
  • Badal Bhalla
  • Bathiya Samarakoon Samarakoon Mudelige Don
  • Bhaskar Dutta
  • Bhupal Dev
  • Biswajit Padhi
  • Brian Batell
  • Chris Rogan
  • Daniel Tapia Takaki
  • Deepak Sathyan
  • Diego Lopez Gutierrez
  • Dorival Goncalves
  • Fazlollah Hajkarim
  • Flera Rizatdinova
  • Ian Lewis
  • Ishmam Mahbub
  • Jack King
  • Jacob Scott
  • john ralston
  • Joshua Berger
  • Justin Anguiano
  • K.C. Kong
  • Kaladi Babu
  • Konstantin Matchev
  • Kuver Sinha
  • Margaret Lazarovits
  • Miguel Angel Soto Alcaraz
  • Miguel Angel Soto Alcaraz
  • Mohammad Ful Hossain Seikh
  • Nabila Majeed
  • Naila Islam
  • Peiran Li
  • Peisi Huang
  • Philip Baringer
  • Rahool Barman
  • Robert McGehee
  • Saarik Kalia
  • Saurav Das
  • Srubabati Goswami
  • Stephen Henrich
  • steven prohira
  • Sumit Biswas
  • Takuya Okawa
  • Talal Chowdhury
  • Tao Xu
  • Terrance Figy
  • Thomas Gehrman
  • Tim Bolton
  • Ting Gao
  • Writasree Maitra
  • Zachary Orr
  • Zamiul Alam
  • Zhongtian Dong
  • Saturday 14 October
    • 08:30
    • Dark Matter 1
      Convener: Bhupal Dev (Washington University in St. Louis)
      • 1
        A New Production Mechanism for Dark Photons

        We introduce a mechanism by which a misaligned ALP can be dynamically converted into a dark photon in the presence of a background magnetic field. An abundance of non-relativistic ALPs will produce dark photons with momentum of order the inhomogeneities in the background field; therefore a highly homogeneous field will produce non-relativistic dark photons. In the large magnetic field regime, the dark photons exhibit the `gliding' phenomena in which their energy density decays slower than matter. On the other hand, in the smaller field regime, the energy density converts to dark photons during a time in which one would naively assume the field is frozen by Hubble friction, the energy density decays like radiation. Inhomogeneities in the magnetic field decrease the conversion efficiency.

        Speaker: Saurav Das (Washington University in St. Louis)
      • 2
        Ultralight Dark Matter Detection with Levitated Superconductors

        Kinetically mixed dark photons and axionlike particles are both viable ultralight candidates for dark matter. These candidates can source an oscillating magnetic field signal inside an experimental apparatus. Existing experiments search for this signal by taking advantage of resonant enhancements, e.g. from a lumped-element circuit or resonant cavity, but such techniques become difficult for frequencies below a kHz (corresponding to dark-matter masses $m_\mathrm{DM}\lesssim10^{-12}\,\mathrm{eV}$). In this talk, I will demonstrate that magnetically levitated superconducting particles (SCPs) can be utilized to detect dark matter at lower frequencies. A SCP must screen magnetic fields out of its interior, and so it tends to settle at the point of smallest magnetic field. This effect can be used to trap a SCP at the center of a quadrupole field. The magnetic field signal from dark matter can perturb the equilibrium point of this trap, resulting in an oscillatory motion of the particle. When the frequency of this oscillation (set by the dark matter mass) matches the trapping frequency, this motion experiences a resonant enhancement. I will discuss both broadband and resonant schemes for utilizing SCPs to detect dark matter. I will show that in the $\mathrm{Hz}\lesssim f_\mathrm{DM}\lesssim\mathrm{kHz}$ frequency range, levitated SCPs can achieve the leading sensitivity amongst laboratory probes of dark matter.

        Speaker: Saarik Kalia (University of Minnesota)
      • 3
        Recycled Dark Matter

        Studying the early universe provides possible answers to many open questions such as the origin and composition of dark matter. Primordial black holes (PBHs) are a compelling channel to probe and understand the cosmic history of dark matter. Light PBHs, which have Hawking evaporate before BBN, can produce both Standard Model particles and dark matter via gravitational production. In this talk I will discuss how our model of multi component dark matter consisting of a heavy scalar and heavy fermion forms PBHs during a first order phase transition. Our scenario demonstrates the dark matter relic abundance can be reproduce even if the pre-Black hole relic abundance is negligible by Hawking evaporating, i.e the recycling mechanism. PBHs formation during a first order phase transition can create stochastic gravitational waves in the high frequency regime which is a possible detection method.

        Speaker: Thomas Gehrman (University of Oklahoma)
    • 09:55
      Coffee Break
    • Intensity Frontier
      Convener: Prof. Bhaskar Dutta
      • 4
        Welcome Dean and Physics & Astronomy Department Chair
      • 5
        Novel event generator for the automated simulation of neutrino scattering

        With the onset of next-generation neutrino experiments, neutrino physics is entering an era of high-precision measurements requiring a fast and efficient process for testing Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) hypotheses against experimental data. Current BSM calculations are addressed on a case-by-case basis with multiple event generators and constantly evolving nuclear models that render this process infeasible and impractical for a wealth of ideas and data. In this work, we present a novel simulation framework that allows for the generation of particle-level events in arbitrary new physics models, while at the same time appropriately including nuclear effects. The core idea behind our generator is the factorization of differential cross sections into hadronic and leptonic tensors and currents, allowing us to focus on BSM leptonic effects while rendering implementations and updates of nuclear models straightforward. We validate our results against electron- and neutrino-carbon scatterings and present the first fully differential neutrino trident production results in the quasielastic region.

        Speaker: Diego Lopez Gutierrez (Washington University in St. Louis)
      • 6
        Muon spin force

        Current discrepancy between the measurement and the prediction of the muon anomalous magnetic moment can be resolved in the presence of a long-range force created by ordinary atoms acting on the muon spin via axial-vector and/or pseudoscalar coupling, and requiring a tiny, $\mathcal{O}(10^{-13}\,{\rm eV})$ spin energy splitting between muon state polarized in the vertical direction. We suggest that an extension of the muon spin resonance ($\mu$SR) experiments can provide a definitive test of this class of models. We also derive indirect constraints on the strength of the muon spin force, by considering the muon-loop-induced interactions between nuclear spin and external directions. The limits on the muon spin force extracted from the comparison of $^{199}$Hg/$^{201}$Hg and $^{129}$Xe/$^{131}$Xe spin precession are strong for the pseudoscalar coupling, but are significantly relaxed for the axial-vector one. These limits suffer from significant model uncertainties, poorly known proton/neutron spin content of these nuclei, and therefore do not exclude the possibility of a muon spin force relevant for the muon $g-2$.

        Speaker: Ting Gao (University of Minnesota)
      • 7
        Neutrons at FASER

        The search for longer-lived mediators/particles at FASER is commonly conducted using standard model particles that are produced at the ATLAS proton-proton interaction point (IP). Since there is a magnetic field close to the IP, charged particles are deflected away from the beamline, leaving only neutral particles. This limits BSM searches to only those that arise from neutral SM particles such as neutral mesons, photons, etc. There is, however, a large flux of neutrons that survive up till the TAN iron dump, which can be utilized for BSM searches. Apart from directly producing BSM particles from neutrons, they can also be produced from the charged/neutral SM particles produced at the neutron-on-dump facility. In this study, we utilize the neutron and eta meson fluxes to investigate protophobic gauge bosons, and we also use the neutron-induced flux of photons, electrons, and positrons to study electrophilic and photophilic ALPs. For the protophobic gauge boson models, we see that the eta and neutron flux complement each other such that FASER2 is sensitive to masses and couplings much beyond current bounds. We realize that the presence of electrons and positrons at the neutron dump makes FASER sensitive to electrophilic ALPs. We also observe that the larger but softer photon flux can probe photophilic ALPs with couplings weaker than those previously explored.

        Speaker: Aparajitha Karthikeyan (Department of Physics and Astronomy, Texas A&M University)
    • 11:30
    • Collider 1
      Convener: Andrew Ivanov (Kansas State University (US))
      • 8
        Overview of Recent LHC Results
        Speaker: Flera Rizatdinova (Oklahoma State University (US))
      • 9
        Returning CP-observables to the frames they belong

        Optimal kinematic observables are often defined in specific frames and then approximated at the reconstruction level. We show how multi-dimensional unfolding methods allow us to reconstruct these observables in their proper rest frame and in a probabilistically faithful way. We illustrate our approach with a measurement of a CP-phase in the top Yukawa coupling. Our method makes use of key advantages of generative unfolding, but as a constructed observable it fits into standard LHC analysis frameworks.

        Speaker: Rahool Kumar Barman (Oklahoma State University)
      • 10
        Variational Quantum Algorithms for Combinatorial Problems at Colliders

        In a process such as $pp\to t\bar{t}$, it is a binary classification problem to determine which of the top quarks the final state particles decayed from. This becomes exponentially more complex as the number of final particles increases. Variational Quantum Algorithms (VQAs) are hybrid quantum algorithms in which a quantum circuit is parameterized and a classical optimizer is used to minimize the energy of the final state of the quantum circuit. Encoding a cost function as an ansatz for the circuit layout allows for the solving of this minimization problem. I explore the use of various proposed VQAs -- e.g. QAOA, MA-QAOA, FALQON -- applied to the decay of a top and antitop quark pair, in a simplified case, and show how the invariant mass difference as a cost function can be transformed into a Hamiltonian and applied as a circuit and some preliminary results.

        Speaker: Jacob Scott
      • 11
        Graph Neural Network: Its Applications to Constrain EFTs

        Graph Neural Networks have emerged as a powerful tool for operating on graph-structured data, facilitating the exploration of non-Euclidean physics data. In this talk, I will discuss the application of GNNs in a supervised scenario where we explore its potential to improve high-dimensional effective field theory parameter fits to collider data beyond traditional rectangular cut-based differential distribution analyses. As a specific case, we focus on an SMEFT analysis of pp → top pair production, including top decays, where the linear effective field deformation is parameterized by thirteen independent Wilson coefficients. Applying GNNs allows us to condense the multidimensional phase space information available for discriminating BSM effects from the SM expectation by directly considering all available final state correlations.

        Speaker: Dr Akanksha Bhardwaj (Oklahoma State University)
      • 12
        Exploring High-Performance Computing Resources for Particle Physics: A Comprehensive Overview

        In this presentation, I will elucidate the diverse array of cutting-edge computing resources available for unrestricted use. Noteworthy examples include the BeoCat High-Performance Computing (HPC) system at Kansas State University, the formidable Pete Supercomputer at Oklahoma State University, and the highly efficient BeoShock HPC system at Wichita State University. These resources grant users access to both Central Processing Units (CPUs) and Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). One of the prevalent applications within the field of particle physics pertains to Monte Carlo simulations and the utilization of machine learning techniques.

        Speaker: Terrance Figy (Wichita State University)
    • 14:30
      Coffee Break
    • Dark Matter 2
      Convener: Joshua Berger (Colorado State University)
      • 13
        Gravitational Waves from Nnaturalness
        Speaker: Brian Thomas Batell
      • 14
        Boosted Dark Matter Resonant Scattering Theory

        We study the physics of the intermediate scattering regime for boosted dark matter (BDM) interacting with standard model (SM) target nucleons. The phenomenon of BDM, which is consistent with many possible DM models, occurs when DM particles receive a Lorentz boost from some process. BDM may then have relativistic speeds at terrestrial based neutrino detectors and may produce (in)direct DM signatures in these experiments, as opposed to recoil experiments which probe the interactions of the non-relativistic halo of DM in our solar system. We investigate the intermediate scattering regime, between elastic and inelastic events, of such processes involving BDM at energies of order 2 GeV where resonant scattering processes, such as a proton resonating as a delta baryon before decaying back to a proton through the emission of a pi meson, occur. The application of this research is aimed towards implementation with the GENIE code for experiments such as LArTPC at DUNE.

        Speaker: Zachary Orr (Colorado State University)
      • 15
        Quantitative Assessment of Microphonic Effects on Signal Integrity in High-Q Experiments for Dark Sector Searches

        In the pursuit of dark sector phenomena, particularly in the ultralight regime, high-Q experiments offer promising enhancements to signal sensitivity under ideal conditions. However, these experiments also introduce complex challenges related to frequency matching and stabilization. One such challenge is the frequency deviation induced by microphonics, colloquially referred to as "jittering," which can occasionally exceed the Lorentzian linewidth, thereby compromising the experiment's integrity. In this work, we carry out the first study on these effects for dark sector searches, which paves the road for future works and improvements for our searches. Previous work, exemplified by the Dark SRF experiment, adopted a highly conservative approach in modeling microphonic effects, projecting a signal power reduction by a factor exceeding 10^5. By contrast, our study employs a rigorous modeling methodology for microphonics and reveals a substantially lower signal penalty factor, on the order of 10^1. We further demonstrate that this penalty factor is intricately dependent on both the system's characteristic jittering time and its damping factor. Our findings substantially revise the perceived impact of microphonics in high-Q experiments, providing compelling evidence for their reduced influence. This research serves as a critical foundation for the optimization of future high-Q experimental designs.

        Speaker: Stephen Henrich (University of Minnesota)
      • 16
        The Power of the Dark Sink

        I will present a novel, simple possibility with broad implications for the predicted signals of non-thermal dark matter (DM) production scenarios: the Dark Sink. The addition of this dark-sector entropy sink may significantly increase the expected signals as I will demonstrate for well-known direct detection benchmarks with $\mathcal{O}(\text{MeV})-\mathcal{O}(\text{TeV})$ DM.

        Speaker: Robert McGehee (University of Minnesota)
    • 16:20
      Coffee Break
    • Beyond the Standard Model
      Convener: Konstantin Matchev (University of Florida (US))
      • 17
        Parity solution to the Strong CP-problem in Pati-Salam Model​

        We aim to have a solution for the strong CP problem using softly broken Parity invariance in the context of Quark-Lepton Unified (Pati-Salam) Model where fermions acquire "see-saw" masses. The inclusion of vector-like fermions helps realize the see-saw mass mechanism. The smallness of the Physical Theta-parameter ($\bar\theta$) arises from the experimental bound of the electric dipole moment (edm) of neutron,$d_n$. In our model, $\bar \theta$ can be decoupled from neutron edm without fine-tuning and can arise only at the two-loop level.

        Speaker: Mr Sumit Biswas (Student)
      • 18
        Precise SM measurements as BSM probes: a new purpose for the W-mass measurement

        Precision measurements of Standard Model (SM) parameters are valuable multipurpose probes for heavy new physics and check the consistency of the Standard Model. We propose a new purpose for precision SM measurements: constraining light new physics that can impact kinematic distributions used in measuring SM parameters. To illustrate this, we consider the W mass measurement, where new physics could contaminate the semi-invisible leptonic decay of the W, leading to modifications in the missing transverse energy (MET) and kinematic distributions used for W mass extraction. We explore the three ways in which new physics can affect the measured sample: modifying W production and decay processes while resulting in the same lepton+MET final state, or producing lepton+MET final states without an on-shell W. We present BSM models for each scenario and showcase how BSM parameters can be constrained by comparing the shapes of SM templates of kinematic distributions to the polluted distributions incorporating BSM effects.

        Speaker: Deepak Sathyan
      • 19
        Probing axion dark matter with radio waves

        Axions with masses around $\mu eV$ could account for dark matter in the universe. However, their small couplings with SM particles make it demanding to detect their signatures. In the presence of background photons, the decay rate of an axion to two photons is increased due to Bose enhancement, which could enhance the decay rate by a factor of millions. In this talk, we will discuss axion decays stimulated by background Galactic, extra-Galactic, and CMB photons and the possibility of detecting their decay products, radio photons, by the Square Kilometre Array. We compute the signal-to-noise ratio in all directions in the sky to estimate the best direction to observe for two realistic axion dark matter profiles, the Navarro-Frenk-White profile and the Burkert profile.

        Speaker: Takuya Okawa
      • 20
        Fermion mass, Axion dark matter, and Leptogenesis in SO(10) GUT

        SO(10) grand unified theory with minimum parameters in the Yukawa sector employs the Peccei-Quinn symmetry that solves the strong CP problem. Such an economical Yukawa sector is highly appealing and has been extensively studied in the literature. However, when the running of the renormalization group equations of the Yukawa couplings are considered, this scenario shows somewhat tension with the observed fermion masses and mixing. In this work, we propose an extension of the minimal framework that utilizes lower dimensional representations and alleviates this tension by introducing only a few new parameters. The proposed model consists of a fermion in the fundamental and a scalar in the spinorial representations. While the latter is needed to implement the Peccei-Quinn symmetry successfully, the presence of both is essential in obtaining an excellent fit to the fermion mass spectrum. In our model, axions serve the role of dark matter, and the out-of-equilibrium decays of the right-handed neutrinos successfully generate the matter-antimatter symmetry of the Universe.

        Speaker: AJAY Kaladharan
  • Sunday 15 October
    • 08:30
    • Gravitational Waves and Astroparticle Physics
      Convener: Peisi Huang
      • 21
        Did we hear the sound of the Universe boiling? Analysis using the full fluid velocity profiles and NANOGrav 15-year data

        We analyse sound waves arising from a cosmic phase transition where the full velocity profile is taken into account as an explanation for the gravitational wave spectrum observed by multiple pulsar timing array experiments. Unlike the broken power law used in the literature, in this scenario the power law after the peak depends on the macroscopic properties of the phase transition, allowing for a better fit with pulsar timing array (PTA) data. We compare the best fit with that obtained using the usual broken power law and, unsurprisingly, find a better fit with the gravitational wave (GW) spectrum that utilizes the full velocity profile.

        Speaker: Dr Fazlollah Hajkarim (University of Oklahoma)
      • 22
        Probing Exotic Phases Via Stochastic Gravitational Wave Spectra

        Stochastic backgrounds of gravitational waves (GWs) from the pre-BBN era offer a unique opportunity to probe the universe beyond what has already been achieved with the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). If the source is short in duration, the low-frequency tail of the resulting GW spectrum follows a universal frequency scaling dependent on the equation of state of the universe when modes enter the horizon. The distortion of the equation of state due to massive particles becoming non-relativistic can lead to an observable dip in the GW spectrum. This effect is illustrated by considering a first-order chiral symmetry breaking phase transition in the weak-confined Standard Model (WCSM). The model features a large number of pions and mostly elementary fermions with masses just below the critical temperature for the phase transition. These states lead to a 20% dip in the GW power. We also find potential sensitivity to the distortions in the spectrum to future GW detectors such as LISA, DECIGO, BBO, and $\mu\text{Ares}$.

        Speaker: Mr Biswajit Padhi (Colorado State University)
      • 23
        First Order Electroweak Phase Transitions in the SM with a Real Scalar Singlet Extension

        We investigate an extension of the standard model (SM) with a real scalar singlet without $\mathbb{Z}_2$ symmetry, requiring a first order electroweak phase transition (FOPT) to occur to satisfy the condition for electroweak baryogenesis. We perform numerical calculations that include one-loop thermal effects and Coleman-Weinberg corrections with daisy resummation. The bubble nucleation temperature is calculated for potentials that are able to drive tunneling through thermal fluctuations. Our numerical scan looks at singlet masses ($m_s$) between 0 and 5 TeV, requiring each point to satisfy current experimental, stability, and unitary constraints. We study the resulting parameter space for light ($m_s\leq m_h/2$), intermediate ($ m_h /2 < m_s < 2m_h$), and heavy ($2m_h \leq m_s$) singlet masses. In each region we explore the main modes of production, looking for complimentary modes in the parameter space to aid in di-Higgs precision measurements, noting the extra contributions from the one-loop effects.

        Speaker: Anthony Hooper
      • 24
        Dark Mediator Spectroscopy with Binary Inspirals.

        Binary inspirals can serve as probes of dark mediators, under the assumption that the spiraling objects are charged under a new long-range dark force. The range of mediator masses probed by the inspirals of astrophysical bodies spans O(10^-14)eV–O(10^-22)eV. The sensitivity of the spectroscopy in all cases depends on the strength of the dark coupling and the amount of dark charge. We calculate the sensitivity to mediator masses in the case of extreme mass ratio inspirals (EMRI) probed by LISA in the MHz frequency range. Due to the precision nature of EMRI measurements, we are able to better distinguish the effects of dark force from pure gravity.

        Speaker: Badal Bhalla (University of Oklahoma)
      • 25
        Hawking Radiation, Superradiance, and Dark Sector

        Gravitational particle production from black holes offers a novel avenue for exploring particle physics, particularly in the case of dark sector particles whose non-gravitational interactions remain beyond the reach of conventional laboratory searches. In this talk, I will discuss two production mechanisms: Hawking radiation and Superradiance. Via Hawking radiation, black holes can generate particles from both the Standard Model sector and the dark sector. Additionally, the presence of bosonic particles within the dark sector can modify the spin dynamics of black holes through the Superradiance process, which can further be discerned with the Hawking radiation spectrum. In the end, I will show how upcoming gamma-ray and X-ray observations could shed light on both primordial black holes and the dark sector.

        Speaker: Tao Xu (The University of Oklahoma)
      • 26
        A New Probe of Relic Neutrino Clustering Using Decaying Heavy Dark Matter

        The existence of relic neutrino background is a strong prediction of big bang cosmology. But because of their extremely small kinetic energy today, the direct detection of relic neutrinos remains elusive. On the other hand, we know very little about the nature of dark matter. In this work, we show that heavy dark matter (with mass in the range of $10^9$ to $10^{15}$ GeV) decaying into neutrinos will provide a new probe of relic neutrinos via resonant neutrino scattering. We find that the distinct resonant absorption feature is observable in the next-generation ultra-high energy neutrino telescopes (such as IceCube-Gen2) for a relic neutrino overdensity comparable to the current laboratory limits.

        Speaker: Ms Writasree Maitra
      • 27
        Impact of non-standard neutrino self interactions on sterile neutrino dark matter production in the early universe

        Active-sterile mixing is the simplest mechanism to produce sterile neutrinos in the
        early Universe. However, the generic production mechanism, known as the Dodelson-Widrow mechanism, is in tension with the astrophysical bounds coming from structure
        formation and X-ray observations. Thus, it is necessary to introduce new interactions
        to modify the DW production, as this mechanism is unavoidable if we assume non-zero mixing between neutrino flavors. In contrast to previous studies, we employ
        an effective field theory treatment to introduce non-standard neutrino interactions to
        the early Universe. We work out the details of scalar, pseudoscalar and axial vector
        self-interactions with heavy mediators. We find that the production of keV sterile
        neutrinos can be enhanced or suppressed depending on the non-standard interaction
        strength, and this helps the mechanism evade astrophysical constraints or move closer
        to future experimental sensitivities

        Speaker: Aaroodd UR
    • 11:05
      Coffee Break
    • Collider 2
      Convener: dorival Gonçalves (Oklahoma State University)
      • 28
        The Standard Model Precision Parameters at 200 GeV

        The Standard Model can be defined quantitatively by running parameters in a mass-independent renormalization scheme at a fixed reference scale. We provide a set of simple interpolation formulas that give the fundamental Lagrangian parameters in the MS bar scheme at a renormalization scale of 200 GeV, safely above the top-quark mass and suitable for matching to candidate new physics models at very high mass scales using renormalization group equations. These interpolation formulas take as inputs the on-shell experimental quantities, and use the best available calculations in the pure MS bar scheme. They also serve as an accounting of the parametric uncertainties for the short-distance Standard Model Lagrangian. We also include an interpolating formula for the W boson mass.

        Speaker: Zamiul Alam (Washington University in St. Louis)
      • 29
        Benchmarks on Double Higgs Production

        The simplest extension that can be added to the SM is the addition of a real singlet scalar S, which can result in a double Higgs production if this is sufficiently heavy. New benchmark points are found by maximizing the production rate, which will allow to compare to the experimental results while this are being searched. A maximum branching ratio value of 0.79 was found while running a scan for the mixing angle and the resulting new mass eigenstate.

        Speaker: Miguel Angel Soto Alcaraz
      • 30
        Non-linear top-Higgs CP violation

        The Higgs physics program at the Large Hadron Collider is actively seeking new sources of CP violation. An unexplored possibility is a significant non-linear realization of CP-violation, which is naturally described in non-linear Higgs Effective Field Theory (HEFT). We perform an analysis of the HL-LHC potential to constrain such interactions considering a large range of single and double Higgs production processes, including differential information where this is statistically and theoretically possible. A particular emphasis of our work is distinguishing expected correlations in the Standard Model Effective Field Theory from those attainable in HEFT.

        Speaker: Alberto Navarro (Oklahoma State University)
      • 31
        Inclusive Higgs Rate and Forward Detection at High Energy Muon Collider

        We study the inclusive Higgs production rate from the $ZZ$ fusion at future 10 TeV muon collider. With the possible forward detector placed at the high $\eta$ direction outside the shielding cone, the forward energetic muon particles can be detected. The Higgs signal process can be purified using the forward-dimuon information. We show that the 68% projected sensitivity on Higgs inclusive rate from $ZZ$ fusion is 0.75%. The precision measurement of the $ZZ$ fusion process can be converted to the $ZZh$ coupling measurement. We also combine the result with other Higgs coupling precision studies on Muon Collider and HL-LHC as well as future electron-positron collider CEPC to make a global fit on the Higgs $\kappa$ framework.

        Speaker: Peiran Li (University of Minnesota)
      • 32
        Theoretical Prediction for Double Higgs Production via Photon Fusion at Muon Colliders

        Double Higgs production plays a crucial role in assessing the Higgs self-coupling (trilinear Higgs coupling), responsible for endowing elementary particles with mass and shaping the Higgs potential. Measuring the trilinear Higgs coupling at proton colliders necessitates high luminosity due to the rarity of processes involving it in the Standard Model. Nonetheless, Muon colliders offer distinct advantages over proton colliders, potentially mitigating some measurement challenges associated with the trilinear Higgs coupling. In my research, I have focused on investigating the production of two Higgs particles through the interaction of high-energy muon beams emitting collinear photons. Specifically, I employed both the Effective Photon Approximation (EPA) method and LePDF to establish parton distribution functions (PDFs) and determine the total cross sections of these processes. This analysis was conducted within the framework of the Higgs Triplet Model. In this presentation, I will discuss our latest results for various scenarios.

        Speaker: Bathiya Samarakoon (Wichita State University)
      • 33
        Top Yukawa Coupling Determination at High Energy Muon Collider

        The Top Yukawa coupling profoundly influences several core mysteries linked to the electroweak scale and the Higgs boson. We study the feasibility of measuring the Top Yukawa coupling at high-energy muon colliders by examining the high-energy dynamics of the weak boson fusion to top quark pair processes. A deviation of the Top Yukawa coupling from the Standard Model would lead modified $V V \rightarrow t\bar{t}$ process, violating unitarity at high energy. Our analysis reveals that utilizing a muon collider with a center-of-mass energy of 10 TeV and an integrated luminosity of 10 ab$^{-1}$ allows us to investigate the Top Yukawa coupling with a precision surpassing 1.5\%, more than one order of magnitude better than the precision from $t\bar t h$ channel at muon colliders. This precision represents a notable enhancement compared to the anticipated sensitivities of the High-Luminosity LHC (3.4\%) and those at muon colliders derived from the $t\bar{t} H$ process.

        Speaker: Ishmam Mahbub (University of Minnesota Twin Cities)
    • 13:25
      Concluding Remarks