30 November 2023 to 2 December 2023
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone


  1. Continental breakfast will be served at 8:30 AM, Thursday/Friday/Saturday, in Room Forbes A, downstairs. 
  2. The workshop will start at 9:00 AM. The conference room is in Forbes B, next to the breakfast place. 
  3. The workshop banquet will be on Thursday evening at LeMont Restaurant, Mt Washington. Please reply to Joni’s email for your entree choice. We will provide a shuttle bus at the hotel side entrance at 6:00 PM (the afternoon session will end around 5:15 AM).
  4. Lunches and dinners are on your own. 
  5. For speakers, please upload your slides to the workshop indico before your session starts. Or send the slides to Akshay (akg53@pitt.edu), Amit (amit.bhoonah@pitt.edu ) or Arnab (arnabdasgupta@pitt.edu).