6–12 Sept 2023
Mon-Repos, Corfu, Greece
Europe/Athens timezone

From the Hubble tension to the Harrison-Zeldovich spectrum

10 Sept 2023, 16:30
Mon-Repos, Corfu, Greece

Mon-Repos, Corfu, Greece


Dr Jun-Qian Jiang (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)


An exact scale-invariant Harrison-Zeldovich spectrum, i.e. $n_s=1$, has been ruled out at $8.4\sigma$ level according to Planck results. However, the situation changes when we consider the Hubble tension. Extra energy injection in early cosmology (e.g. Early Dark Energy), which is a class of promising solutions of the Hubble tension, seems to call for the return of $n_s=1$. Using recent observational data, we show strong evidence for $n_s=1$ if the Hubble tension is resolved in this way. Furthermore, we show how these solutions can affect the observation constraints on the $r$-$n_s$ plane, bringing unforeseen impacts to the inflation model.

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