6–12 Sept 2023
Mon-Repos, Corfu, Greece
Europe/Athens timezone

Domain Walls and Hubble constant Tension

11 Sept 2023, 16:30
Mon-Repos, Corfu, Greece

Mon-Repos, Corfu, Greece


Prof. Holger Nielsen (Glasgow U.)


We present the idea that replacing the cosmological constant Λ in the ΛCDM by a distribution of walls with very low tension compared to what one would expect from the “new physics” could help for the tension in the Hubble constant fit in this Standard Cosmological Model. Using parameters from our, since long, model for dark matter as macroscopic pearls, we can get a promising order of magnitude for the correction to the Hubble constant. Our model is on the borderline to fail by predicting too much extra fluctuations as function of direction in the cosmological microwave background radiation,
but imagining the bubbles in the voids to have come from more a bit smaller “big bubbles” may help.

Presentation materials