14–18 Jan 2024
Du Kloof Lodge, Du Toitskloof Mountains
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

Low neutron flux detectors for underground laboratories

17 Jan 2024, 15:40
Du Kloof Lodge, Du Toitskloof Mountains

Du Kloof Lodge, Du Toitskloof Mountains


Daniya Zinatulina (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)


Ambient neutrons are one of the sources of background events for
experiments studying neutrinos and searching for dark matter. This is
due to the penetrating ability of neutrons, and the fact that when
neutrons enter the detector, they can cause signals indistinguishable
from the searched ones. Preliminary measurements of neutron fluxes at
experimental sites make it possible to select the optimal shield
configuration for protecting the detectors and make assumptions about
the contribution of the neutron background to the expected result. Thus
monitoring changes in neutron flux during basic measurements is the
basis for correct interpretation of experimental results. The report
will describe detectors and methods for measuring extremely low neutron
fluxes at the level of $10^{-9}$ neutrons per cm$^{2}$/s, used and developed at DLNP JINR.


Daniya Zinatulina (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)

Presentation materials