14–18 Jan 2024
Du Kloof Lodge, Du Toitskloof Mountains
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

Underground Lab activities in the Southern Hemisphere

16 Jan 2024, 13:15
Du Kloof Lodge, Du Toitskloof Mountains

Du Kloof Lodge, Du Toitskloof Mountains


Elisabetta Barberio (The University of Melbourne, Australia)


I will discuss the direct search for dark matter within the southern hemisphere, with the SABRE and Cygnus experiments. The SABRE experiment is the first dual-sited direct detection experiment The Northern Hemisphere experiment will be hosted at Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso.

I will also discuss the physics program of the first underground physics laboratory of the Southern Hemisphere, SUPL (Stawell Underground Physics Laboratory) the first-ever integrated underground laboratory in Australia.


Elisabetta Barberio (The University of Melbourne, Australia)

Presentation materials