In line with the previous years, RILIS has been the favored ion source at ISOLDE in 2023, with more than 65% of the ion beams produced from April to November, including the winter physics program. In that period of time, more than 20 different elements were ionized using lasers at ISOLDE.
The stable operation of RILIS and fast switching in-between the elements was possible thanks to the...
The assumption of universal magic numbers, i.e. closed nuclear shells, all across the nuclear chart has been a fundamental paradigm of the nuclear shell model. However, when exploring nuclides far away from stability, a disappearance of well-established shell closures can be encountered, which, for instance, manifests itself in the island of inversion around N = 20 [1].
Describing this shell...
The Isotope mass Separator On-Line facility (ISOLDE) [1] at CERN provides the largest variety of low-energy radioactive beams available worldwide, including some of the most exotic nuclear species. The beams can be post-accelerated by the HIE-ISOLDE LINAC [2] up to ~ 10 MeV/nucleon, and delivered for experiments at the Miniball detector system for gamma spectroscopy studies, the ISOLDE...
The MEDICIS facility is a unique facility located at CERN dedicated to the production of non-conventional radionuclides for research and development in medical imaging, diagnostics and radiation therapy. Located in a laboratory equipped to safely handle unsealed radioactive samples, it comprises a dedicated isotope separator beam line, a target irradiation station at the 1.4 GeV Proton...
The therapeutic and diagnostic use of radionuclides is well known and widely applied in different techniques and pathologies. The efficacy of the treatments, as well as the off-target dose minimisation in both treatment and diagnosis depend, among other things, on the decay characteristics of the radionuclide in use. In particular, the different particles and radiation emitted, the emission...
Radiation detected (RD) NMR is a sensitive and versatile experimental technique. It relies on the detection of asymmetric nuclear decay. For that, a high degree of nuclear polarisation beyond thermal equilibrium is required and multiple techniques are commonly used to achieve it. One specific case is the optical pumping method that works very well for alkali metals which is used at the VITO...
Resonance laser ionization is an efficient and highly selective method for producing radioisotopes. In the laser ion source of the ISOLDE – RILIS (Resonance Ionization Laser Ion Source), the laser interaction region is inside a metal tube, the so-called “hot cavity” which is heated to temperatures >2000 degrees Celsius. In addition to providing a longitudinally confining electrostatic...
On behalf of the COLLAPS collaboration
Collinear laser spectroscopy (CLS) has been a cornerstone of low energy nuclear physics since its conception in the 1970s, providing access to nuclear charge radii and moments of nuclear ground states and long-lived isomers. The COLLAPS setup at ISOLDE hosted the very first online CLS measurement in which the nuclear structure of barium isotopes,...
Laser spectroscopy is a powerful tool for studying fundamental nuclear properties. By observing small changes in atomic transitions, we can deduce the spins, changes in mean-squared charge radii and the electromagnetic moments of ground and isomeric states across long chains of isotopes. This allows for wide ranging studies to be conducted of how structures evolve across the nuclear...
First excited states of 130Sn, the even-even neighbour of the doubly-magic nucleus 132Sn, were populated via safe Coulomb excitation (CE) employing the recently commissioned, highly efficient MINIBALL array. The 130Sn ions were accelerated by the HIE-ISOLDE accelerator to an energy of 4.4 MeV/u and impinged onto a 206Pb target. The de-exciting 𝛾 rays from excited states of the target and...
The application of one-nucleon transfer reactions is one way to investigate nuclear structure. 68Ni is an interesting case because of the collectivity present in the region around this nucleus. In particular the neutron d5/2 orbital plays an essential role in this. One-neutron transfer was performed with a 6 MeV/u postaccelerated beam of 68Ni at ISOLDE using the Isolde Solenoidal Spectrometer...
The Rare-RI Ring, located at the RI Beam Factory within RIKEN, represents a breakthrough in the field of Isochronous Mass Spectrometry. Specifically designed to cater to the high-precision mass measurement needs of rare isotopes characterized by low production yields and exceedingly short half-lives, the Rare-RI Ring distinguishes itself as a cyclotron-like storage ring. Its unique capability...
The region of refractory metals, below the magic number Z=50 is of particular interest for nuclear physics studies and exhibits phenomena such as deformations, shape coexistence, and hints of triaxial nuclei. Laser spectroscopy has provided valuable and complementary input, providing information about the shape, size, and electromagnetic moments of radioactive isotopes and isomers in this...
The Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) in the United States, with its superconducting radio frequency linac slated to deliver 400 kW of beam power at up to 200 MeV/u [1], is beginning — already at 1-5 kW of beam power — to open new avenues of in-flight beam production and, hence, of new experimental insights across the chart of nuclides [2].
The FRIB experiment E21010, carried out in...
The Superconducting Linear Accelerator (SPIRAL2-LINAC) facility of GANIL is designed to deliver heavy-ion beams with highest intensities ever achieved [1,2]. The Super Separator Spectrometer (S$^3$), a high-resolution recoil separator coupled to the LINAC, will use these high-intensity beams to produce neutron-deficient nuclei close to the proton dripline and super heavy nuclei via...
A high-statistics Coulomb-excitation (CE) study of $^{12}$C onto an enriched $^{208}$Pb target has been carried out at safe energies using the high-resolution {\sc Q3D} magnetic spectrometer at the Maier-Leibnitz Laboratory (MLL) in Munich (Germany). Measurements at different scattering angles and beam currents of approximately 10$^{11}$ pps allowed the determination of the spectroscopic...
Materials of the RMnO$_3$ (R is a rare-earth) multiferroic perovskite family show an extraordinary number of applications in technology, e.g., spintronic devices, data storage equipment, and sensors, thanks to properties like magnetically induced ferroelectricity. According to the literature, the Perturbed $\gamma-\gamma$ Angular Correlation (PAC) method is an available technique to study...
For nuclei with N around 50, several pieces of evidence supporting shape coexistence close to $^{78}$Ni have been found. In particular, the $\sim$940-keV 1/2$^+$ isomeric state in $^{79}$Zn has been interpreted as an intruder state, related to neutron excitations across N=50. Laser-spectroscopy measurements found a large isomeric shift for this state with respect to the $^{79}$Zn 9/2$^+$...
To efficiently laser-ionize many different elements, the spectral range of the Ti:Sa lasers at ISOLDE RILIS is extended with nonlinear processes of second-, third- and fourth harmonic generation (SHG, THG and FHG).
We present a technique to intracavity generate ns pulses in the tripled Ti:Sa range (~ 230nm – 310nm) with a Gaussian beam shape and a size comparable to that of the fundamental...
The Raman nonlinear process consists in a scattering interaction between light and a crystal. Through the process, light losses energy to a phonon of the crystal, leading to an up-shift in the laser wavelength. This wavelength shift can be used extend the laser frequency covered by the RILIS system, and hence improve its versatility.
During the past years, different laser designs have been...
Abstract for MULTIPAC draft for Users Meeting
MULTIPAC is a spectrometer that can perform γ-γ time-differential perturbed angular correlation (γ-γ TDPAC) experiments under controlled conditions such as an applied external magnetic field up to 8.5 T and temperatures ranging between 3 to 375 K. MULTIPAC differs from conventional γ-γ TDPAC spectrometers in the use of modern multi-pixel photon...
The electric dipole (E1) polarizability has recently been used to explain the universality of elemental abundances [1]. Here, we present shell-model (SM) calculations of the E1 polarizability for the ground- and first-excited states of selected p- and sd-shell nuclei, substantially advancing previous knowledge. Our results for ground states [2] are slightly larger compared with the somewhat...
The advanced emission Mössbauer spectrometer, eMiL (Emission Mössbauer from Ilmenau) was built for the emission Mössbauer (eMS) collaboration at ISOLDE/CERN. The set-up is based on the emission geometry and combines on-line and off-line isotope implantation used to measure hyperfine interactions in solids. Using radioactive Mössbauer probes that are ion-implanted to the sample by the GLM...
With the advent of nuclear structure studies using antiproton annihilations on the surface of unstable nuclei at the PUMA experiment [1], isobaric beam purity and vacuum requirements with < 1e-10 mbar motivate the installation of a new beamline at ISOLDE. A Multi-Reflection Time-of-Flight mass spectrometer (MR-ToF MS) is currently in commissioning at the MIRACLS experiment [2], promising up to...
We studied the transfer reactions with $^7$Be + $^{12}$C at 5 MeV/u. The measurements were carried out in the scattering chamber at HIE-ISOLDE using the pentagon detector array. Interestingly, for the $^7$Be nucleus having an $\alpha-$cluster structure and a low breakup threshold, transfer reactions are predominant than breakup$^1$.The transfer data leading to $^{16}$O* excited states are...
The Multi Ion Reflection Apparatus for Collinear Laser Spectroscopy (MIRACLS) is a new experiment in the ISOLDE facility at CERN which aims to conduct collinear laser spectroscopy (CLS) on exotic nuclei with low production yields by exploiting a 30-keV multi-reflection time-of-flight (MR-ToF) device [1]. Ions bunches prepared by MIRACLS’ Paul trap are sent into the MR-ToF instrument, where...
The β-decay of 8He and 9Li are observed as background in neutrino detectors where the detection mechanism is inverse β-decay by the reaction ν + p → e+ + n. Both nuclei have decay-branches that mimic this signal by emission of an electron and a neutron, which in addition to decay-decay branches of interest for pure nuclear physic motivates their study at the ISOLDE decay station, IDS.
Measurements of the shape of the β energy spectrum are interesting to study, e.g., nuclear structure [1] and, when high precision is reached, allow to test for exotic scalar and/or tensor currents in the weak interaction [2].
However, the experimental precision reached is limited by the incomplete energy deposition caused by backscattering. In the WISArD set-up, this problem is alleviated...
The use of table-top high-precision measurements for studying physics beyond the standard model has become an alternative window to physical phenomena that are currently probed only by large-scale colliders like the LHC [1]. Among them, studies on diatomic molecules have become a promising quatum systems for diverse fields [2]. Even though most of these studies have been primarily with stable...
β detected NMR is a method to determine the magnetic moments of short-lived isotopes with a sensitivity inaccessible to conventional NMR. One of the isotopes scheduled to be investigated with β detected NMR at VITO is $^{11}\text{Be}$. It is of interest because it is a single neutron halo nucleus. Measuring the magnetic moment of $^{11}\text{Be}$ with greater accuracy will help to give insight...
Beta-detected nuclear magnetic resonance (β-NMR) is a sensitive technique, which has gained widespread recognition in the fields of nuclear physics [1] and materials science [2]. The recent utilization of ionic liquid targets has unlocked fresh opportunities for incorporating β-NMR spectroscopy into the domain of chemistry [3]. Precise determinations of the nuclear magnetic moments of β-NMR...
Naturally layered perovskites have been subject of great interest for novel technological applications, guiding, in particular, the extensive search for room-temperature (RT) magneto-electrics (ME). We aim to enhance the magneto and photo-induced effects in systems displaying Hybrid Improper Ferroelectricity (HIF) to achieve maximum energy conversion efficiencies in ME systems, thus exploring...
According to Benedek et. al [1], the CsNdNb$_{2}$O$_{7}$ system undergoes two phase transitions, one at 625 K and another at 800 K. Our objective is to investigate those three distinct phases: $P2_{1}am$ (# 26), $C2/m$ (# 12) and $P4/mmm$ (# 123) [1].
There is no existing literature discussing the magnetic state of CsNdNb$_{2}$O$_{7}$. Nevertheless, due to the presence of three unpaired...
Due to its low excitation energy around 8.3 eV, the unique $^{229}$Th isomer is, for now, the only candidate for developing a nuclear clock for, amongst others, fundamental physics studies~\cite{peik2015nuclear,thirolf2019improving}. In the past, measuring the isomer's radiative decay from a large-bandgap crystal with $^{229\text{m}}$Th embedded, has proven difficult: the commonly used...
On behalf of IS665 and IDS Collaboration.
Shape coexistence is a well-established phenomenon in which two or more different types of deformation coexist at low excitation energy within the same nucleus [1]. One of the most extensive manifestations of shape coexistence can be found in the neutron-deficient isotopes near the closed proton shell of lead (Z = 82). Exotic nuclei in this region...
The presence of both well-deformed prolate and oblate deformations are expected in the $A\approx70$ mass region because of the stabilisingly large single-particle energy gaps at $N=34$. Nonetheless, oblate deformations in this region has mostly been inferred from rotational bands ($^{68}$Se [1]) or model-dependent decay measurements ($^{72}$Kr [2]). Only recently, Coulomb-excitation...
In the A = 100 region, the dramatic shape change observed for Zr [1-3] and Sr [4-7] (Z = 40 and 38, respectively) is not present in Kr (Z = 36) isotopes [8-10]. The ${2}^{+}_{1}$ energies and the B(E2;${2}^{+}_{1}$ $\rightarrow$ ${0}^{+}_{1}$) values vary smoothly across the Kr isotopes. This is in contrast to the Sr and Zr isotopes which display a large jump at N = 60, indicating a...
β-NMR is a powerful method that exploits the asymmetry in the emission of β particles from spin-polarised, unstable nuclei. Combining a high degree of nuclear spin polarisation achieved through laser-induced optical pumping with an efficient detection yields a sensitivity up to ten orders of magnitude greater than conventional NMR. Its applications range from biochemistry to solid-state,...
Simple systems near the doubly-magic shell closures offer optimal scenarios for assessing the accuracy of shell-model predictions. While near the stability path, the predictions are consistent with experimental data; the nuclide properties change as we move away towards the neutron-rich nuclide. In this context, a comprehensive understanding of nuclear structure in the immediate vicinity of...
All-solid-state batteries (SSBs) present a potential route to address the poor range, slow charge, small temperature range of operation, and safety issues associated with traditional lithium-ion batteries.[1] However, one of the major limitations preventing SSBs to commercial market is the poor ionic conductivity of SSB materials, determined mostly by ion diffusion. Unlike other techniques to...
The future gamma-MRI imaging modality will allow the simultaneous exploitation the advantages of SPECT – sensitivity of gamma-ray detection, and MRI – spatial resolution and flexibility. The combination of these technique requires use gamma-emitting nuclei (like in SPECT) with highly polarized spins, leading to anisotropic emission of gamma-ray, and allowing spin manipulation with rf pulses...
The new research programme at VITO combines the strengths of β-decay spectroscopy and collinear laser spectroscopy. The design of an experimental station for studying the asymmetry of beta particle emission in coincidence with delayed radiation emitted from laser-polarised beams of neutron-rich nuclei involved technical solutions that balance the requirements of these two powerful techniques....
We present original high quality TDPAC data for Mn vanadates obtained during the last Cd run at ISOLDE together with possible interpretations and the discussion of related ambiguities.
The investigation of nuclei surrounding doubly-magic isotopes, such as $^{132}\mathrm{Sn}$, represents a fundamental approach for gaining deeper insights into the nuclear structure. However, the region of neutron-rich tin isotopes remains relatively unexplored, and experimental information is limited.
The only $\beta$-decay study of $^{124}\mathrm{In}$ to the excited states in...
Beta-decay spectroscopy is a powerful technique for studying the properties of exotic nuclei. Thanks to the high angular momentum selectivity of the process, beta decay offers unique access to states in daughter nuclei having configurations similar to the decaying precursors. However, the one major drawback of conventional beta-decay experiments is the limited ability to firmly assign spins...
Fine-structured designer materials for Radioisotope Production at CERN-ISOLDE
E. Reis1,2, V. Berlin2, S. Stegemann2, S. Bidhar3, D. C. Lupascu1, S. Rothe2
1Institute for Materials Science and Center for Nanointegration (CENIDE), University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany
2Center for European Nuclear Research, Geneva, Switzerland
3Fermilab National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia,...
In a Forced-Electron Beam Induced Arc-Discharge Ion Source (FEBIAD) ion source [1], at ISOLDE called VADIS (VD), electrons are produced by resistively heating a cathode up to 2000 °C. Afterwards, they are accelerated towards an anode volume, by passing through a grid biased to an adjustable voltage. Atoms within the anode volume can then be ionized by electron impact or plasma ionization. In a...
Negative ion spectroscopy at CRIS-ISOLDE
Dag Hanstorp for the GANDALPH and CRIS collaboration
Negative ions are unique quantum systems to probe electron correlation effects: since the Coulomb potential of the nucleus is almost entirely screened, the binding of the additional electron is primarily due to many body interactions between electrons. Consequently, negative ions are sensitive...
The lanthanide elements, being located around the Z = 64 “sub-magic” proton subshell closure and all crossing the N = 82 neutron shell gap, offer a unique testing ground for nuclear theory. Benchmark cases range from strongly pronounced odd-even-staggering of charge radii vanishing in isomers (around Sm-141) [1], abrupt transitions from spherical to strongly deformed nuclei (for N < 75) [2],...
The design and simulation of an rf-atom/ion beam interaction region will be presented. The development of this region is needed to perform rf spectroscopy of short-lived radioactive atom or ion beams. In order to obtain the largest possible signal strength from rf spectroscopy, the field strength must be uniform across the atom/ion beam. In order to obtain this uniformity a vacuum spaced...
Since the relocation of the On-Line Isotope Mass Separator ISOLDE at the PS Booster more than 30 years ago, the facility has benefitted from several upgrades and from a very rich target and ion source development program. Over 1000 radioactive nuclides from 70 elements can now be produced in thick targets via different nuclear reactions induced the PS-Booster 1.4 GeV proton-beam and delivered...
The electron affinity (EA) is the energy released when an electron is attached to a neutral atom. An experimental determination of this quantity serves as an important benchmark for atomic models describing electron correlation [1]. Several atomic spectroscopy studies aiming to answer questions in quantum chemistry, nuclear structure and fundamental symmetries rely on atomic theories of...
Over the past few decades, laser spectroscopy has provided a wealth of information on the nuclear charge distribution and how it evolves away from the valley of nuclear stability. Conversely, very little information is available for the distribution of nuclear magnetization. The study of this nuclear property for the exotic isotopes produced at ISOLDE, could provide significant new insight...
PUMA (antiProton Unstable Matter Annihilation) is a new experiment at CERN since 2021. It aims to utilize antiprotons' unique properties to probe the nucleonic composition of the tail of the nuclear density distribution of both stable and exotic nuclei. After formation of antiprotonic atoms with the isotope of interest, antiprotons will annihilate on the nucleus's surface. This process yields...
The more diffusive skin of neutrons in Pb-208 has a wide range of implications ranging from nuclear structure to heavy ion collisions to neutron stars. In this talk I will present the first determination from relativistic heavy ion collisions at the LHC, which is complementary to dedicated studies such as by the PREX collaboration at JLab. In particular I will show that the larger size of the...
Experimental β-decay studies contribute significantly to improving our understanding of exciting nuclear phenomena emerging far from stability, such as β-delayed multiple-particle emission [1–3], evolution of the shell structure [4], and the appearance of so-called “islands of inversion” [5]. The great success of β-decay experiments in probing ground- and excited-state properties is due...
High-precision measurements of the beta spectrum shape and beta-neutrino angular correlation parameter allow to test for exotic scalar and/or tensor currents in the weak interaction. These measurements are the goal of the WISArD collaboration at ISOLDE [1]. When aiming for the highest precision in the description of the shape of the beta energy spectrum, even small Standard Model effects,...
Alpha decay is known for more than a century, however a global microscopic description has only been developed recently by Mercier al. [1]. With the framework of covariant energy density functional, using a least action principle, the half-life of medium and heavy nuclei are in agreement within one order of magnitude with experimental values [2].
Moreover, a new type of decay was predicted...
The thorium-229 nucleus contains an isomeric state with a low excitation energy, making it accessible to laser excitation. It is presently the only known candidate for the development of a nuclear clock [1,2,3,4] which will enable testing fundamental principles in physics, such as e.g. potential variations of fundamental constants [5] or the search for ultralight dark matter candidates [6]....
About half of the nuclei in nature have odd particle numbers; however, in the past nuclear-DFT applications, odd nuclei were considered much less frequently than even-even ones. As a result, in building the nuclear-DFT functionals, the existing wealth of experimental information on odd systems was virtually unused.
Nuclear electromagnetic moments provide essential information in our...
Since ISOLDE's return to science in 2021, the ISOLTRAP mass spectrometer has mainly focused on mass measurements of rare isotopes for the study of nuclear structure near doubly-magic nuclei and acted as one of the key tools in the development of various radioactive molecule beams, identifying hundreds of different ions and molecules from different target and ions source combinations.
In this...
The Collinear Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy (CRIS) experiment is a laser spectroscopy setup that allows hyperfine structure measurements to be performed in high resolution, efficiency and sensitivity. This technic established itself as a versatile tool for the study of nuclear, atomic and molecular properties.
2023 has been a fruitful a year for the CRIS experiment with four online runs...
Rich nuclear structure phenomena, such as shape coexistence and shell evolution, have been observed in the neutron rich region up to N = 50 around $^{78}$Ni [1-4]. Moving to more neutron-rich nuclei, theoretical calculation shows that the shell evolution and deformation will also appear in the ground states of isotopes beyond N = 50 [4-6]. Nuclear spins, electromagnetic moments and charge...
Over the last two years, a revamped Miniball has been conducting physics experiments across the nuclear chart. Comprising eight assemblies of three electronically-segmented high-purity germanium crystals, the spectrometer measures gamma-rays emitted from fast-moving nuclei following various nuclear reactions. As well as being refurbished with new endcaps, cryostats, and AGATA-like...
We present recent online results obtained in the IS595 experiment performed in October 2023. Aim of this work is the investigation of excited states in $^{133,134}$Sb and, possibly, $^{134,135}$Te, by employing a cluster transfer reaction of a $^{132}$Sn beam (at 3.9 MeV/A) on a $^7$LiF target (1.5 mg/cm$^2$ thick). The experiment ran for 7 days very smoothly, with a very pure and stable...
The Island of Inversion in the neutron-rich $N=20$ region arises in part due to a significant reduction in the energy gap between the sd and fp shells. Recent theoretical calculations [1] and experimental results in $^{30}$Mg [2] favor a much smoother transition towards the Island of Inversion than previously thought, with considerable fp admixtures in the ground state of $^{30}$Mg and small...
The shape coexistence phenomenon close to the midshell N=104 in the lead region has been under study for several decades. The E0 transitions can be used to study this phenomenon. These transitions can be detected mainly through internal conversion in this region. To investigate this phenomenon, the combined conversion electron and gamma-ray spectroscopy experiments IS563 and IS699 were...
The SEC (Scattering Experiments Chamber) at the XT03 Beamline of HIE-ISOLDE is an experimental station to facilitate diversified reaction experiments. The chamber is sufficiently big to accumulate a variety of charge particle detectors as well as scintillator detectors for gamma detection. It is equipped with a rotational disc of 50 cm radius radially graduated and supplied with Al-bars for...
Topological insulators (TIs) represent a state of matter in which the material bulk has insulating properties while the surface hosts highly conducting states [1]. In TIs, the presence of Dirac-like dispersed surface states jointly with the large spin–orbit coupling provides the so-called spin-momentum locking and generates topologically protected surface states [1]. Within this talk I will...
Time differential Perturbed Angular Correlation (PAC) of γ-rays spectroscopy may be applied to study the coordination geometry and dynamics at metal ion binding sites of proteins [1-2]. Selected examples relating to recent $^{199m}$Hg and $^{111}$Ag PAC experiments will be presented, such as 1) Ag(I) binding to human serum albumin - the major transport protein in blood; 2) A potential...
emphasized textGroup-IV vacancy centers in the so-called “split-vacancy configuration” in diamond are of high interest as spin-photon interfaces for a number of quantum applications, such as quantum information processing and quantum communication, with a particular focus on quantum networks [1-3]. However, the reliable and reproducible fabrication of germanium-vacancy centers has remained a...
This work presents the study of the local electric and magnetic fields in multiferroic bismuth ferrite (BiFeO3: BFO) using Time Differential Perturbed Angular Correlation (TDPAC) spectroscopy. The measurements were carried out at a wide range of temperatures up to 850oC, after the implantation of various radioactive tracer ions: 181Hf, 111In and 111mCd. The experimental results reflect the...
Naturally layered perovskite phases such as the Ruddlesden-Popper present an inspiring route to achieve unique magneto-electric, ferroelectric–photovoltaic or negative thermal expansion effects, among others. In these structures, the rotations of the disconnected perovskite octahedra can lead to different symmetry groups, polar and non-polar, and different magnetic orders adding extra pathways...
Isotopic chains close to the magic proton number \textit{Z}=50 have motivated extensive experimental and theoretical efforts in the last decades, since they provide an excellent ground to study shell-evolution and to investigate the interplay between single-particle and collective degrees of freedom. The systematic study of excited structure of nuclei in the region, and specifically the...
In this contribution, an accurate characterization of the $2^+$ isospin mixed doublet of $^8Be$ is provided. The excitation spectrum of $^8Be$ populated in the beta decay of $^8B$ is analysed via two methods; an R-matrix approach and an alternative approach based on the beta recoil. Through this complementary analysis, the isospin mixing in the doublet and the variation with excitation energy...
Nucleosynthesis in explosive hydrogen burning at high temperatures (T$\ > 10^8$ K) is characterized mainly by the rapid proton capture rp-process. One of the possible sites for the rp-process are Type I X-ray bursts (XRBs). Several N=Z nuclei, such as ${}^{64}$Ge, act as waiting points in the nuclear flow. The beta decays of these waiting points are needed in theoretical modeling for...
The isospin mirror asymmetry parameter in mirror systems is evaluated based on the $\beta$-decay data of the mirror partners. In particular, $\beta$ decay intensities are traditionally obtained from $\gamma$-ray spectroscopy experiments with HPGe detectors. However, due to the limited efficiency of such detectors, this approach is known to be potentially affected by the Pandemonium effect [1],...
Modern physics experiments usually rely on big experimental setup where it is possible to find a wide variety of detectors: silicon microstrip trackers or other solid state detectors, plastic scintillator calorimeters, LAr cryostats readout by a Time Projection Chamber, spectrometers composed of several drift tubes and resistive plate chambers. Moreover, detector granularity and precision...
In this talk, I shall discuss a project that may significantly broaden the present CERN research program by including a new component — the novel-type light source. The proposed, partially-stripped-ion-beam-driven light source is the backbone of the Gamma Factory project being presently studied within the PBC framework. It could be realized at CERN by re-using the infrastructure of the...
Transfer reactions are often used to infer structure information of nuclei. In particular, the new ISS at ISOLDE provides an excellent experimental setup to measure (d,p) reactions with exotic beams. To properly analyse measurements, its is important to have a good understanding of the reaction process and to which structure observable the transfer reaction is sensitive. In this short talk, I...
The ISOLDE Solenoidal Spectrometer specialises in the study of transfer reactions in inverse kinematics, using the solenoid spectrometer technique pioneered at Argonne National Laboratory [1]. It was fully commissioned in 2021 with a new silicon array, and has since undergone three successful physics campaigns focusing on measurements of the $(d,p)$ reaction to probe single-neutron properties...
Single-particle structure has been observed to evolve away from the valley of beta-stability. In exotic nuclei, the ordering and separation between energy levels vary to the extent that nuclear magic numbers change. For example, in the neutron-rich region with Z = 8-20, the N = 20 shell closure weakens, and a new shell closure emerges at N = 16 in $^{24}$O [1]. The behaviour of the...
The available data on $^{12}$Be are ambiguous and limited despite numerous attempts via direct and indirect reactions. For the three previous (d,p) reactions[1-3], their reaction energies and angular coverage were not optimized so the data could not be easily interpreted in terms of well-tested reaction mechanisms. For another, these measurements provided limited information on the unbound...
Octupole correlations near $N = Z = 56$ are unique in sense that they occur between particles in the same orbitals for both neutrons and protons. In this region just above $^{100}$Sn, it is expected that enhanced octupole correlations will take place at low and medium spins in the light Te ($Z = 52$), I ($Z = 53$) and Xe ($Z = 54$) nuclei [1]. In this region of the nuclear chart, the Fermi...