29 November 2023 to 1 December 2023
Europe/Zurich timezone

A New Beamline for Very Clean Beams at ISOLDE

29 Nov 2023, 17:52
503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


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Poster (In person) Poster Session


Lukas Nies (CERN / University of Greifswald (DE))


With the advent of nuclear structure studies using antiproton annihilations on the surface of unstable nuclei at the PUMA experiment [1], isobaric beam purity and vacuum requirements with < 1e-10 mbar motivate the installation of a new beamline at ISOLDE. A Multi-Reflection Time-of-Flight mass spectrometer (MR-ToF MS) is currently in commissioning at the MIRACLS experiment [2], promising up to a factor hundred higher throughput compared to other multi-reflection devices and features mass separation powers in excess of 100,000 within only a few milliseconds of storage time [3]. In this contribution, the current status for the new transfer beamline at RC6, incorporating the MIRACLS Paul trap and MR-ToF MS, will be presented.
[1] T. Aumann et al., Eur. Phys. J. A (2022) 58: 88
[2] F. Maier et al., NIM A 1048 (2023), 167927
[3] F. Maier et al., NIM A 1056 (2023), 168545


Lukas Nies (CERN / University of Greifswald (DE))


Anthony Roitman (McGill University, (CA)) Erwin Siesling (CERN) Frank Wienholtz (TU Darmstadt) Franziska Maria Maier (Universität Greifswald) Dr Jose Antonio Ferreira Somoza (CERN) Magdalena Kowalska (CERN) Mark Bissell (CERN) Nikolay Azaryan (Adam Mickiewicz University (PL)) Oliver Aberle (CERN) Dr Simon Lechner (McGill University) Stephan Malbrunot (TRIUMF (CA)) Wolfgang Bartmann (CERN)

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