Operation and New Developments II
- Bogdan Fornal
Since the relocation of the On-Line Isotope Mass Separator ISOLDE at the PS Booster more than 30 years ago, the facility has benefitted from several upgrades and from a very rich target and ion source development program. Over 1000 radioactive nuclides from 70 elements can now be produced in thick targets via different nuclear reactions induced the PS-Booster 1.4 GeV proton-beam and delivered...
The electron affinity (EA) is the energy released when an electron is attached to a neutral atom. An experimental determination of this quantity serves as an important benchmark for atomic models describing electron correlation [1]. Several atomic spectroscopy studies aiming to answer questions in quantum chemistry, nuclear structure and fundamental symmetries rely on atomic theories of...
Over the past few decades, laser spectroscopy has provided a wealth of information on the nuclear charge distribution and how it evolves away from the valley of nuclear stability. Conversely, very little information is available for the distribution of nuclear magnetization. The study of this nuclear property for the exotic isotopes produced at ISOLDE, could provide significant new insight...
PUMA (antiProton Unstable Matter Annihilation) is a new experiment at CERN since 2021. It aims to utilize antiprotons' unique properties to probe the nucleonic composition of the tail of the nuclear density distribution of both stable and exotic nuclei. After formation of antiprotonic atoms with the isotope of interest, antiprotons will annihilate on the nucleus's surface. This process yields...