Apr 13 – 15, 2011
Europe/Zurich timezone

EVO Connections

The RD51 Collaboration meeting will be transmitted by EVO. To find the meetings, log into EVO (evo.caltech.edu), start a session and choose "Search for Meetings" from the Meetings Menu. Then enable "Filter Titles", enter "RD51" in the succeeding field and press "Search". This will show you the meetings which are booked.

Plenary session starting on April 13th at 09:00:
Title:          RD51 plenary session - Wed morning
Description:    RD51 plenary session - Welcome and plenary talks
Community:      Universe
Password:       rd51plenary

Plenary session starting on April 13th at 17:00:
Title:          RD51 plenary session - Wed afternoon
Description:    RD51 plenary session - Sergio Bertolucci: The future LHC program and detector R&D at CERN
Community:      Universe
Password:       rd51bertolucci

Plenary session starting on April 15th at 09:00:
Title:          RD51 plenary session - Fri morning
Description:    RD51 plenary session - News, summary talks and concluding remarks
Community:      Universe
Password:       rd51plenary