ISVHECRI is a biennial symposium series sponsored by the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP), and organized via the commission on Astroparticle physics (C4). The main objective of this symposium series is to provide a suitable forum to discuss very high energy interactions for the interpretation of cosmic ray data based on the information available from both accelerator and cosmic ray experiments. We invite you to attend the symposium and contribute to its program. The details are provided below. This is the first time ISVHECRI is held in Mexico, looking to benefit Latin-America and Caribbean countries.
Preliminary Symposium topics:
- High energy astroparticle physics results relevant to particle physics
- Gamma Ray Astrophysics and Astroparticles
- Accelerator experiments relevant to cosmic ray physics
- Space experiment results relevant to high energy interactions
- Exotic phenomena & searches for new physics beyond SM
- LHC pp & heavy ion physics
- Cross-sections and interaction models
- High energy neutrinos and muons, including muon puzzle
- Simulation tools for cosmic ray & neutrino physics
- Multi-messenger cosmic ray observations & interpretations
- Future accelerators & cosmic ray experiments
There will be both invited & contributed talks. All talks will be in plenary sessions.
Important dates:
01 Feb 2024: Opening of registration and abstract submission31 Mar 2024: Deadline for abstract submission28 Apr 2024: Extension of deadline for abstract submission15 May 2024: Announcement of decision on abstracts31 May 2024: Deadline for early registration20 Jun 2024: Deadline for fee payment in all-inclusive and all included plans at Fiesta Americana (Fee option 1)27 Jun 2024: Deadline for in-person attendance registration and payment08 Jul 2024: Commencement of symposium12 Jul 2024: Conclusion of symposium- 31 Oct 2024: Deadline for submission of proceedings
30 Nov 2024: First extension of deadline for submission of proceedings- 31 Dec 2024: Second extension of deadline for submission of proceedings
ISVHECRI series: