3–7 Jun 2024
IST, Lisboa
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Looking closer at the U(1)_(B-L) explanation of the ATOMKI nuclear anomalies

6 Jun 2024, 17:20
Room QA1.2 - Chemistry Tower

Room QA1.2 - Chemistry Tower


Bernardo Lopes Gonçalves


We revisit the gauged U(1)B−L explanation of the ATOMKI nuclear anomalies, in which the new gauge boson is the hypothetical X(17) particle. It is known that the vanilla B−L scenario is unable to account for appropriate couplings, namely the suppression of the couplings of X(17) to neutrinos, which motivates adding vector-like leptons. The simplest case, in which the new fields have B−L charges equal to 1, is highly disfavoured since it requires large mixing with the Standard Model fields. One solution recently put forward is to consider large B−L charges to counterbalance small mixing. We show that, in this scenario, and after taking into account several phenomenological constraints, the dominant contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment (g−2)μ is expected to be extremely large and with a negative sign, being thus excluded by experiment.

Primary author

Bernardo Lopes Gonçalves

Presentation materials