Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

3–7 Jun 2024
IST, Lisboa
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Information for Speakers

The duration of PLANCK2024 talks is 25min+5min for invited plenary talks and 15min+5min for parallel talks. The timetable is available here.

In all workshop rooms there will be a computer where the talks will be uploaded to. You will not be able to use your own laptop to give your talk. The preferred format for your file is PDF. If you wish to use Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT) be sure that there will be no incompatibility issues with the fonts. Two ways of avoiding such problems are either to save your PPT file with the “embedded fonts” options or to convert your file to PDF. 

The final version of your talk file should be uploaded directly on Indico as material of your contribution. If you have any problem in uploading your talk on Indico (and, please, only in this case) you can send us your file to: Please name your file with your surname.

In all cases, the file should be available until (at least):

  • The day before your talk, for talks in the morning
  • The morning coffee break of the day of your talk, for talks in the afternoon


If for any reason you have some problem with sending your file to us, contact the conference desk or one of the organisers (our PhD students will be in charge of organizing all talks in each room laptop). We suggest that you bring a memory stick with the file of your talk, just in case…