Parallel Session PI.6
- Juan A. Aguilar-Saavedra
Electroweakly interacting massive particles are strong candidates for
dark matter and are included in various new physics models. For example,
Higgsinos and Winos are leading dark matter candidates in supersymmetry
models. A major characteristic of such dark matter is that there are
slightly heavier isospin partner particles in addition to the dark
matter itself. These particles are...
Spin correlations have been studied in detail for top quarks at the LHC, but have not yet been explored for the other flavors of quarks. Utilizing the partial preservation of the quark spin information in baryons in the jet produced by the quark, we present possible analysis strategies for ATLAS and CMS to measure the spin correlations in $b\bar b$ and $c\bar c$ samples. We find that some...
Seesaw extensions of the Standard Model explain the observed neutrino masses by introducing right-handed neutrinos with lepton number violating (LNV) interactions. In order for the neutrinos to be collider-detectable they must form almost mass-degenerate pseudo-Dirac pairs. Their tiny mass splitting leads to heavy neutrino-antineutrino oscillations. A measurement of these oscillations can be...
Minimal dark matter is one of the most motivated dark matter candidates, and many analyses at collider experiments for this model have been discussed. In our work, we considered the search for minimal dark matter at future high-energy muon collider experiments, in particular the $\mu^+$$\mu^+$ collider experiment. We found that the indirect search, which measures the quantum correction to the...
Despite the tremendous success of the Standard Model (SM) with its properties remarkably well measured, there is overwhelming phenomenological evidence that strongly suggests the need for physics beyond the current SM, such as explanations for dark matter and neutrino masses. In this presentation we will discuss LISA's potential to reveal further evidence of new physics phenomena through...