Parallel Session PI.8
- Javier Rubio
We study the energy transfer after inflation from the inflaton ($\phi$) into a scalar field ($\chi$) non-minimally coupled to gravity via $\xi R|\chi|^2$, considering single field inflationary models with potential $\propto |\phi|^{p}$ around $\phi = 0$. This corresponds to the paradigm of geometric preheating, which we extend to its non linear regime by means of lattice simulations. Using...
We study the quadratic quasi-normal modes of a Schwarzschild black hole, i.e. those perturbations that originate from the coupling of two (linear) quasi-normal modes.
Assuming the amplitude of the two linear modes is known, we compute the amplitude of the resulting quadratic mode for a wide range of possible angular momenta. Finally, we reconstruct the waveform in radiation gauge.