11 November 2023
IU Swain Hall West
US/Eastern timezone

A Machine Learning Perspective on Hadronization Modeling with MLHAD

11 Nov 2023, 10:30
214 (Swain Hall West)


Swain Hall West


Ahmed Youssef (University of Cincinnati)


Hadronization, a crucial component of event generation, is traditionally simulated using finely-tuned empirical models. While current phenomenological models have achieved significant success in simulating this process, there remain areas where they fall short in accurately describing the underlying physics. In this talk, I will introduce MLHAD, an alternative approach that supplants the empirical model with a surrogate machine learning-based method, thereby facilitating data-trainability. I will delve into the current stage of its development and explore potential future direction.


Ahmed Youssef (University of Cincinnati)

Presentation materials