8:30 AM
EIC and quarkonia
Charlotte Van Hulse
(University of Alcalá)
9:00 AM
Di-J/psi photoproduction at the EIC
Matteo Rinaldi
9:30 AM
Quarkonium-pair production at the LHC
Maria Elena Ascioti
(Universita e INFN, Perugia (IT))
10:30 AM
Study of gluon TMDs with psi+psi and Upsilon+Upsilon production at the LHC
Jelle Bor
11:00 AM
Fixed-target LHC prospects and TMD studies with quarkonia
Shinichi Okamura
(Universita e INFN, Ferrara (IT))
11:30 AM
Triple quarkonium production at the LHC
David d'Enterria