Weekly meeting on Xboxes

18/3-008 - CLIC Meeting room (CERN)

18/3-008 - CLIC Meeting room


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Weekly meeting on Xboxes
Zoom Meeting ID
Nuria Catalan Lasheras
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Marçà Boronat
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Xboxes weekly meeting. 21.09.203

Attending: Paz Alonso Arias (PAA), Mareike Wendelmuth (MW), Matteo Volpi (MV), Walter Wuensch (WW), Alexei Grudiev (AG), Anisullah Baig (AB), Ping Wang (PW), Lee Millar (LM), Marca Boronat (MB)

CERN Xboxes news. Xbox2. PAA reports on status of Xboxes2. The new electrical installation is done. The new chillers are ready to be installed. 

Heavy rains during this Monday have led to a water leak from rooftop, so we could not restart operation. This problem is now fixed, at least until next storm. 

PAA reported on weird behaviour of pulse in line PSIB beyond 26MW, and comments on possibility of being due to structure B/pulse compressor or phase shifter. WW asks if this behaviour is only seen in compressed pulse, or in the rest of signal. PAA confirms it’s only seen in compressed pulse. 

PAA reports also a great number of breakdowns, with only PKR signal interlocks. AG discards this could be due to same problem that made us switch to Structure B a month ago. WW suggests to fix first problem, then monitor this problem, as they seem to be unrelated.

LM and MB confirms that the problem with the “dynamic” pulse is most likely to be due to PXI. PAA comments she had already considered this, recalibrated line and reinitiated PXI, but same behaviour is seen. LM suggests to redo this, but adding more attenuation to line PSIB. PAA is to add approx.. 6dB to line PSIB. 

CERN Xboxes news. Xbox3 HEKPAA reports testing activities regarding the second tube (CAV 22G002), installed in mod B. Last week, we broke vacuum, opened, and took out the klystron to perform some measurements, after suspecting the absence of voltage. Confirmed good functioning of the heater, and connectivity. PAA has recalibrated the modulator, to ensure accurate values of heating current and voltage, and measured uPE again, obtaining same values as we had last month. 

S parameters of the measurement networks were performed again with a new VNA. PAA reports these measurements, which are less noisy and without low frequency trend.

AG asks about plans for Xbox3. Topic left for discussion during next week meeting. 

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 10:00 AM 10:30 AM
      Xboxes report 30m
      Speakers: Mr Lee Millar (CERN), Mareike Wendelmuth (Technische Univ. Hamburg Harburg (DE)), Marçà Boronat (CERN), Dr Matteo Volpi, Paz Alonso Arias (CERN), Xiaowei Wu