There is an increasing consensus in the wider scientific community that AI is poised to disrupt science by unlocking entirely new approaches, driving new scientific inquiry, and enabling greater scientific leaps with far-reaching societal consequences. In addition, challenges unique to scientific problems offer an opportunity to dramatically advance AI. However, there are substantial barriers that are faced by AI in the context of science, and addressing these barriers will require support for advances in AI that are driven by the unique needs of scientific problems. Workshop on AI Enabled Scientific Revolution was held at NSF in February 2023 to discuss a new frontier in AI that could revolutionize the traditional discovery process across multiple scientific disciplines. This in-person workshop was attended by 28 researchers spanning all aspects of AI (including ML, robotics, computer vision, and NLP) as well as researchers who had extensive experience at the intersection of AI and one or more scientific applications, including environmental sciences (e.g., climate, hydrology), materials science, high energy physics, astrophysics, chemistry, and biomedical sciences. Attendees were from academia, industry, and philanthropic organizations, as well as NSF and other government agencies. My talk will provide a summary of the wide ranging discussions at the workshop as well as concrete recommendations to incentivize the development of next-generation AI and its adoption in scientific practice that will dramatically accelerate scientific discovery across a range of domains.
Reference: workshop report