LPHE seminars

Heavy flavours and heavy ions

by Nuno Leonardo (LIP)

BSP 626 / Zoom

BSP 626 / Zoom


The increasing datasets accumulated from LHC collisions, both pp and PbPb, are allowing to probe rarer processes in complementary realms. The high cross-sections for hadron production, in particular, coupled with the high delivered luminosities, allow for precise and differential measurements and offer access to ultra rare decays. Heavy flavour processes provide correspondingly precision probes of both strong and electroweak sectors of the standard model and sensitivity to virtual effects from new heavy particles beyond the standard model. The combined exploration of heavy flavour states in both proton and heavy-ion collisions at the LHC is facilitating novel probes of the QGP medium, a deconfined state of quarks and gluons, and for furthering our understanding of the underlying QCD mechanisms.

Organised by

Maria Faria, Chiara Perrina, Elisabeth Niel

Zoom Meeting ID
Lesya Shchutska
Alternative hosts
Fred Blanc, Chiara Perrina, Elisabeth Maria Niel, Olivier Paul Schneider, Radoslav Marchevski
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