February 5, 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone

On 5th February CMS Virtual Tour will be attended by students aged from sixteen to nineteen years old — who are in the last three years of Rutigliano’s High School. The institute — IISS Alpi-Montale — attracts a reasonable number of students every year and offers a wide range of studying courses, in the fields of humanistic, scientific and business studies. Particularly, two different studying courses go under the tag of scientific, which are Tradizionale and Scienze Applicate. The former differs from the latter in the amount of Science hour — three for week in the Tradizionale, five in the Scienze Applicate. As a matter of fact, CERN lessons will be followed by students from the scientific courses — one hundred students, or thereabouts. Furthermore, a few students of the fifth year will take part in a CMS Masterclass — hands onparticle physics — at the nearbiest University of Bari, which will take place on the 26th February. Lastly, all of them in March will be involved in a school trip, going to Ginevra to visit CERN in person.


On February 5, the CMS Virtual Tour will be attended by 19-year-old students attending the final year of the Liceo Donato Bramante di Magenta in the course of Applied Sciences, a course that includes the teaching of computer science and an enhancement of science. This conference is part of a module on nuclear energy and its applications, including a visit to a research reactor in Pavia.