Morning Session 2
- Sungwoo Hong (KAIST)
Morning Session 2
- Hyun Min Lee
Morning Session 2
- Seung J. Lee (Korea University)
Morning Session 2
We propose new ideas to directly search for light axion dark matter by using magnetometry with nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamonds. If the axion dark matter couples to the electron spin, it affects the evolution of the Bloch vectors consisting of the spin-triplet states, which may be detected through several magnetometry techniques. We give several concrete examples with the use of dc and ac...
I will discuss a novel search for axions using spectropolarimetric observations of magnetic white dwarfs (MWDs). Photons produced as thermal radiation at the MWD surface may convert into an axion as they traverse the magnetosphere, but only the component polarized parallel to the MWD magnetic field. Therefore the MWD radiation at Earth is linearly polarized perpendicular to the magnetic field...
The study of localised stable solitons in 3+1 dimensional field theory often hinges on a loophole to Derrick's theorem that states that stable localised solutions may exist if they are periodic in time, such as in the case of a time dependent complex phase. The possible presence and influence of such dynamic solitons may have important consequences for the evolution of the early universe in...
We study axion-photon couplings in compactifications of type IIB string theory.
We find that these couplings are systematically suppressed compared to the inverse axion periodicity, as a result of two effects. First, couplings to the QED theta angle are suppressed for axion mass eigenstates that are light compared to the mass scale set by stringy instantons on the cycle supporting QED. ...
Non-invertible global symmetry often predicts degeneracy in axion potentials and carries important information about the global form of the gauge group. When these symmetries are spontaneously broken they can lead to the formation of stable axion domain wall networks which support topological degrees of freedom on their worldvolume. Such non-invertible symmetries can be broken by embedding...