IoP HEPP Half-Day Meeting: Top quark physics

School of Physics ("G.O. Jones" building), G.O. Jones Lecture Theatre (Queen Mary, University of London)

School of Physics ("G.O. Jones" building), G.O. Jones Lecture Theatre

Queen Mary, University of London

Mile End Road, E1 4NS, London (UK)
The meeting aims to bring together the HEP community and top quark physicists in the UK for a review of recent measurements in the top quark sector from the Tevatron and the LHC experiments, with a particular emphasis on the potential for new physics searches with top events. Topics include: top in the Standard Model, measurements of top production and properties, FB asymmetry, SUSY corrections to single top, resonant and non-resonant new physics with top signatures, and boosted top techniques.
Lucio Cerrito