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12–14 Jun 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone

smelli 3 - a flavourful global SMEFT likelihood

14 Jun 2024, 10:05
Aula Prodi - Complesso di S. Giovanni in Monte (Bologna)

Aula Prodi - Complesso di S. Giovanni in Monte


Piazza San Giovanni in Monte 2 Bologna, Italy


Peter Stangl (CERN)


We report on a new major version of the Python package smelli - the SMEFT likelihood, which implements a flavourful global likelihood function for the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT), the Weak Effective Theory (WET), and new physics models. No specific flavour structure is assumed and the renormalization group evolution in the SMEFT and the WET is taken into account to consistently combine a large number of observables at many different scales, including electroweak precision observables, Higgs physics, decays of B mesons, kaons, D mesons, muon, and tau, meson mixing observables, lepton flavour violating decays, neutron and nuclear beta decays, and high-mass Drell-Yan tails. Besides the addition of many observables, new features include the new physics dependence of theory uncertainties and a three order of magnitude increase in evaluation speed.

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