Physics program of the symmetric electron-positron collider VEPP-2000 includes high-
precision measurements of the e+ e−− > hadrons cross-sections in the energy range
from the production threshold to 2 GeV. These precise data are highly demanded for a
calculation of the hadronic contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment (g−2)μ
in the frame of the Standard Model as well as for the verification of various thoretical
models of light hadrons interactions. One of the key detector subsystem to achieve these
goals is high quality electromagnetic calorimeter. The CMD-3 detector under operation
now at VEPP-2000 combines properties of the magnetic spectrometry with high resolution electromagnetic calorimeter. The barrel calorimeter of this detector consists of a coaxially arranged liquid xenon (LXe) on the inner layer and CsI crystals on the outer layer. This combined structure of the calorimeter provides a high photon coordinate measurement as well as a good energy resolution. However, this combined structure requires special sophisticated procedures for the energy calibration, photon reconstruction and quality monitoring, which are discussed in this report.