7–12 Jul 2024
Viktor-Franz-Hess Haus
Europe/Vienna timezone

How universities collaborate with industry to advance quantum technologies - the role of AQT

10 Jul 2024, 10:12
Hörsaal B (Technik) (Viktor-Franz-Hess Haus)

Hörsaal B (Technik)

Viktor-Franz-Hess Haus

Technikerstraße 25a, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria
Sponsor talk Quantum Technologies


Christine Maier (AQT)


In my talk I present some joint research projects between AQT (a company which developed as a Startup from the University of Innsbruck), research facilities and data centers. Furthermore, I explain how we aim at advancing quantum technologies by the reproducible production of certain quantum devices.

Primary author

Christine Maier (AQT)

Presentation materials

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