22–26 Jul 2024
Europe/Lisbon timezone

The trans-Planckian problem in loop quantum cosmology

24 Jul 2024, 16:30
Auditorium E10A

Auditorium E10A

Department of Physics (University of Coimbra)


Rita Neves


One of the criticisms of the inflationary paradigm is that scales that are observable today were trans-Planckian at the onset of inflation. This questions the validity of standard results regarding the primordial power spectrum. Standard cosmology also ignores pre-inflationary dynamics, since it loses predictability close to the initial singularity. Loop Quantum Cosmology (LQC) is an approach to the quantisation of cosmological models. It provides effective pre-inflationary dynamics where the big-bang singularity is resolved in terms of a quantum bounce, that connects a contracting epoch of the Universe with an expanding one. In this talk, we investigate the trans-Planckian problem in two models of LQC. We find that one of the models avoids the issue altogether by generating less e-folds of inflation, such that the observable modes never become transplanckian. On the other hand, the other model suffers from this problem, as observable modes become transplanckian during a time when they lose adiabaticity, making their primordial power spectrum susceptible to changes due to trans-Planckian physics.


Rita Neves

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