Mar 18 – 19, 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone

CERN Tape Archive

The 3rd CTA Workshop is a two-day in-person event which will bring together developers, users and sites running CTA software. Newcomers are also welcome to join the community.

The workshop will feature a programme of technical presentations, site reports, hands-on sessions and the roadmap for CTA's plans and future developments.

Previously, the annual CTA Day has been organised as part of the EOS Workshop. This year for the first time, the CTA Workshop has its own separate identity and registration. The CTA Workshop will be co-located with the EOS Workshop and CS3 conference as part of CERN's TechWeekStorage24 (11-19 March 2024).

Location and Timetable

The workshop will take place at CERN, in the IT Auditorium, on 18-19 March 2024.

Monday morning and Tuesday morning will be dedicated to technical presentations and site reports.

Monday afternoon is reserved for hands-on sessions.

Meet the Team

The EOS Workshop 2024 will kick off on Thursday 14 March with a plenary session giving an overview of the storage technologies developed and used at CERN: EOS Open Storage (disk storage), CTA (tape archival storage), Ceph (block, file and object storage) and CERNBox (sync and share platform for collaboration).

In the afternoon, there is a Meet the Team event with the development and operations teams from CERN's IT Storage Group.

Please note that these two events must be registered for separately from the CTA Workshop.


All presentations will be recorded and published (subject to agreement of the speakers).


Participation in the workshop is free of charge.

There will be a workshop social event on Sunday 17 March and a workshop dinner on Monday 18 March. Participation is optional and is at the participant's own expense. See Social Programme for details and registration for the social events.


Registration is open to anyone. Please register here.

If you would like to share your experience with the community, please submit an abstract (deadline 29 February 2024).

We look forward to seeing you at the in-person workshop in March 2024 during TechWeekStorage24!

—The CTA team

31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre
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