31 July 2024 to 10 August 2024
Asia/Jakarta timezone


Student feedback

We want to hear from you! Let us know your opinion about the school: what did you like, what can be improved
General Questions
Principles of Planar Imaging (X-ray and Scintigraphy) - Katie
Principles of Tomographic Imaging (CT, PET, SPECT, US, and MRI) - Andrea
Principles of Hybrid Imaging (SPECT/CT, PET/CT, and PET/MRI) - Youngho
Principles on Imaging of therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals - Youngho
Principles of Image Reconstruction - Steve
Planar Imaging Lectures - Katie

X-ray planar imaging technologies

Flat panel detectors

Image quality measures

Factors affecting image quality and dose

Practical: Image Quality Assessment - Katie
Principles of CT - Zhye
PET/CT Instrumentation and current technologies - Andrea
Advanced PET image reconstruction - Steve
Current Challenges in PET imaging
EasyPET Exercise
CT Lectures at hospital - Zhye

Recent developments and emerging technologies in CT

Factors affecting image quality and dose in CT

CT Quality Control

CT Applications of AI

Hospital: CT and Planar X-ray Imaging - Zhye, Katie
Hospital: PET/CT Acceptance testing and QC/QA procedures - Andrea
Practical PET session - Andrea, Youngho, Steve