OTF #2 took place on Tuesday, December 10th (the day before the start of the WLCG Environmental Sustainability Workshop) with a focus on storage performance requirements and was attended by over 80 people on Zoom and in the conference room at CERN. The main takeaways were:
Need to define requirements for storage (tape and disk) performance (as separate from capacity), based on experimental computing model needs.
Concerns about HDD, specifically the speed of capacity evolution relative to flash and lack of single-stream throughput improvement.
Need for benchmarking to evaluate an entire site rather than a CPU on a single node, for example, for realistic combined production and analysis workflows.
The dates for the OTF meetings in 2025 were proposed as follows:
OTF#3 @CERN Tue. & Wed. afternoons, February 11-12
ISGC - March 17-22
OTF#4 @HEPiX in Lugano, March 31 - April 4
OTF#5 @WLCG Workshop in Paris, May 5-9
OTF#6 @CERN Tue. & Wed. afternoons, June 24-25
OTF#7 @CERN Tue. & Wed. afternoons, September 9-10
OTF#8 Co-located with FTS workshop, October 13-17
OTF#9 TBD, tentatively end of November - beginning of December
N.B. As discussed in the previous MB #323, we would like to know from the WLCG community if they have suggestions for TCB members. We have received some already. Please contact the coordinators at wlcg-technical-coordinators at CERN.ch.