WLCG Management Board #324

513/R-068 (CERN)



Show room on map
Simone Campana (CERN)

16:00 CERN/10:00 EDT/09:00 CDT

URL for the ZOOM call: https://cern.zoom.us/j/66011416092  (the passcode has been distributed by email)

To join by phone (see the dedicated support page):
1) dial your local ZOOM number (e.g. +41432107108) then enter the MB meeting ID  660 1141 6092 then #
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Note: calls are charged to the caller (there is no callback facility)

Email Distribution List: worldwide-lcg-management-board@cern.ch
Email List Archive: worldwide-lcg-management-board (requires CERN authentication)
Minutes: Management Board Meeting Minutes
Action List: MbActionList
See also the: WLCG Document RepositoryWLCG Web Site

Zoom Meeting ID
Andrea Sciabà
Alternative hosts
Simone Campana, Maarten Litmaath
Useful links
Join via phone
Zoom URL
    • 4:00 PM 4:30 PM
      Minutes and Matters Arising 30m
      • News from the LPC meeting 5m
        Speaker: Simone Campana (CERN)
      • News from the TCB 5m
        Speakers: Alessandro Di Girolamo (CERN), James Letts (Univ. of California San Diego (US))

        OTF #2 took place on Tuesday, December 10th (the day before the start of the WLCG Environmental Sustainability Workshop) with a focus on storage performance requirements and was attended by over 80 people on Zoom and in the conference room at CERN. The main takeaways were:

        • Need to define requirements for storage (tape and disk) performance (as separate from capacity), based on experimental computing model needs.

        • Concerns about HDD, specifically the speed of capacity evolution relative to flash and lack of single-stream throughput improvement.

        • Need for benchmarking to evaluate an entire site rather than a CPU on a single node, for example, for realistic combined production and analysis workflows.


        The dates for the OTF meetings in 2025 were proposed as follows:

        • OTF#3 @CERN Tue. & Wed. afternoons, February 11-12 

          • Tentative main topic: Analysis Infrastructure. Plus OSPO (Open Source Program Office).

        • ISGC - March 17-22

          • TBD with organizers about a remote presentation 

        • OTF#4 @HEPiX in Lugano, March 31 - April 4

          • TBD with organizers, tentatively 3h session on HEPiX-related topics - Facilities. Ideas of topics:

            • Facilities Evolution: What will storage and compute infrastructures look like in 5 years? And what in 10 years? What interfaces and standards should we plan for?

            • Facilities Challenges – Today and Tomorrow: How can we address operational challenges more effectively? What are the key priorities for sustaining and evolving facilities?

            • AI (Tools and Services?): Are we leveraging the potential of AI? How can we ride the wave of AI funding opportunities while delivering tangible benefits? Example, crazy idea: should we explore developing as a community an AI assistant to support facilities with first-level operations and simplify workflows?

        • OTF#5 @WLCG Workshop in Paris, May 5-9

        • OTF#6 @CERN Tue. & Wed. afternoons, June 24-25

        • OTF#7 @CERN Tue. & Wed. afternoons, September 9-10

        • OTF#8 Co-located with FTS workshop, October 13-17

          • TBD with organizers, tentatively 3h session

        • OTF#9 TBD, tentatively end of November - beginning of December


        N.B. As discussed in the previous MB #323, we would like to know from the WLCG community if they have suggestions for TCB members. We have received some already. Please contact the coordinators at wlcg-technical-coordinators at CERN.ch.

      • Update on the site decommissioning procedure 10m
        Speaker: Julia Andreeva (CERN)
      • Update on the Geant TCS 10m
        Speaker: Maarten Litmaath (CERN)
    • 4:30 PM 4:35 PM
      Action List Review 5m
    • 4:35 PM 4:45 PM
      WLCG Service Report 10m
      Speakers: Borja Garrido Bear (CERN), Maarten Litmaath (CERN)
    • 4:45 PM 4:50 PM
      AOB 5m
      • Next MB Meeting: Tuesday 21 January 2025 1m