19–22 Apr 2024
Peking University
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Preliminary Study of Muon Beam CT and Integration of MuDirac and Geant4 for Muonic X-ray Simulation

Not scheduled
Peking University

Peking University

Oral Talks Plenary-1


Zhihao Zhou (Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)


Muon beam imaging and muonic atom X-ray emission spectroscopy are two important techniques for multidisciplinary applications of muon sources. Thanks to the strong penetrating power, imaging with cosmic-ray muons becomes a unique way to see through large objects. To investigate the possibility of imaging using muon beams in accelerator-based muon sources, we perform a simulation study of muon beam computed tomography with Geant4. In this report, the detector design and imaging results of muon beam CT are presented. Additionally, muonic X-rays emitted from the muonic atom cascade process can be used to investigate elemental components of bulk samples. However, the generation of Muonic X-rays in Geant4 has discrepancy with experimental results. A preliminary approach to solve this issue by integrating MuDirac, an open-source Dirac equation Solver, with Geant4 is presented. We discuss the development of Python scripts for generating a muonic X-ray database using MuDirac for various isotopes, as well as new Geant4 classes to manage the database.


Zhihao Zhou (Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences) Dr Yang Li yangli Jingyu Tang

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