EP R&D Software Working Group Meeting

32/1-A24 (CERN)



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Graeme A Stewart
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tags: eprdet, wp7, minutes

Software R&D Working Meeting Minutes

## 2024-07-17

Room: Graeme, Paul, Leonard, Andi, Juan, Piyush, Florine, Severin, Aurora, Juan

Remote: Pere, Peter, Gerri, Brieuc, Juraj

Apologies: André

## News - Graeme

Reco will proceed in a few months with a purchase.

You do not need to spend the money this year if you don't need to (in principle it's fine to delay). 

We anticipate some budget cut in EP R&D (as an MTP outcome). More news on that later when we get it.

## Tracking - Paul

Validation tests take ~30 minutes (run on all PRs)

EDM4hep <-> ACTS conversion is lossy (lose on-surface hit information)

PODIO not storing arbitrary types in user extensions, only primitive types

ODD + DDsim more or less working - both endcaps are now in place.

ACTS ttbar tracking efficiency is a little below current tracking - first results, to be optimised.

EDM4hep - adding a few pieces would be needed for full compatibility. Can back project to get the sensor, but not quite the hit position. Could use the new feature of interfaces for track states. Output is *fully correct*, but the annoying thing is that you can't more easily do re-tracking/fits in ACTS. Need to really look at the use case for refits.

DD4hep to ACTS gemetry conversion will be improved - reaching a final state.

Next EP R&D work will focus on GPU work.

Where are we with drift chambers? Updated geometry model will bring some fundamental changes (*delegates*), with the volume able to say how to interpret - started with ATLAS drift tubes. Need to discuss how this would work for a drift chamber. e.g., no requirement to have barrel/endcap distunction (do still need fully connected volumes!).

New more flexible fitting code in the pipeline - will benefit ATLAS, but also work for different detector types.

GPU: currently rather hand-rolled, depending on the backend - templated. It works for ITk on GPUs, not optimal speed, but proof of concept. 

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