4:00 PM
Understanding Non-perturbative Gauge Theories Using Anomaly Mediation of Supersymmetry Breaking
Hitoshi Murayama
(University of California Berkeley (US))
4:15 PM
4-Point Vertices, Amplitudes and Phase-Space Calculations in the Constructive Standard Model
Neil Christensen
(Illinois State University)
4:30 PM
Two different types of series expansions valid at strong coupling
Ariel Edery
4:45 PM
Machine learning and (large-N) field theory
Zhengkang Zhang
(University of Utah)
5:00 PM
The Constructive Method for Massive Particles in QED
Hsing-Yi Lai
5:15 PM
Scalar scattering amplitudes: zero loci, factorization, and the double copy
Tonnis ter Veldhuis