Presentation materials
In this talk, an overview of the physics program, the detector conceptual design, and the project status will be presented. The Electron-Ion Collider in China (EicC) is a proposed high energy nuclear physics facility to be constructed based on the High Intensity heavy-ion Accelerator Facility (HIAF) in Huizhou, China. EicC will be able to place highly polarized (
The proposed super tau-charm facility (STCF) is a symmetric electron-positron collider, designed to provide
The transverse momentum squared
Semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering (SIDIS) measurements provide crucial experimental insight into the three-dimensional momentum structure and spin structure of nucleons. The additional degree of freedom when observing two hadrons in the semi-inclusive final state allows for access to correlations between quark polarization and the angular momentum of final state hadrons through Dihadron...
One of the main objectives of extensive physics program of COMPASS experiment has been to conduct measurements of target-spin asymmetries in semi-inclusive (di-)hadron production in Deep Inelastic Scattering of high-energy muons off polarized targets. In 2022, the latest semi-inclusive DIS measurements were performed using a transversely polarized deuteron target and a 160 GeV/c muon beam....
Relevant information about hadron structure is contained in nonperturbative functions called Transverse Momentum Depentend Parton Distribution Functions (TMD PDFs) and the Collins-Soper kernel, a universal function which regulates their scale evolution.
Usually these functions are obtained by modeling and fitting to experimental data but in recent years lattice calculations have calculated...
We present the preliminary results for the Collins and Sivers amplitudes of the transverse target spin asymmetries (TSAs) in production of neutral kaons (
The investigation of Transverse-Spin Dependent Azimuthal Asymmetries in the Drell-Yan process provides a key insight into the spin-dependent structure of nucleons, particularly testing the restricted universality of Transverse-Momentum Dependent Parton Distribution Functions. During the 2015 and 2018 data-taking periods, the COMPASS Collaboration at CERN measured the
Advancements in precise neutrino experiments offer promising opportunities to explore new physics by examining the effects of Neutral Current Non-Standard Interactions between neutrinos and matter. While neutrino oscillation experiments have already imposed stringent limits on all vector NC NSI flavor elements, axial NC NSI remains elusive in these studies. However, neutrino-nucleon scattering...