9–11 Oct 2024
Leibniz Supercomputing Centre LRZ, Munich, Germany and Online
Europe/Zurich timezone

9 - 11 October 2024

The Open Search Symposium #ossym24 brings together the Open Web Search community in Europe for the sixth time. The hybrid conference provides a forum to discuss and further develop the ideas and concepts of open internet search, search and AI, and related topics in various formats including scientific talks, panels, workshops, demonstrations, student challenges and informal discussion spaces. Participants include researchers, data centres, libraries, policy makers, legal and ethical experts, and society.  ( Open Search Foundation)


Conference Registration

Registration for the Open Search Symposium 2024 is open and can be accessed here

Conference Programme

Discuss interdisciplinary aspects of Open Search
technical • ethical • legal • educational • economic • applications

Science Tracks

  • Crawling and Infrastructure
  • Search Applications and Technologies
  • Preprocessing and ML for Search
  • LLMs and RAG

Sessions + Workshops

  • Ethics + Society
  • Wiki/Curation
  • NGI
  • Legal aspects of open web search

Industry Track
“Alternative Search Engines”

Call for papers

Submission for Papers/Demos is closed. 



Conference format

  • The conference will take place at Leibnitz Supercomputer Centre in Garching/Munich with the possibility of Online participation.

Conference Chairs

Prof. Dr. Michael Granitzer | University Passau, Germany
Prof. Dr. Christian Guetl | Graz University of Technology, Austria
Christine Plote | Open Search Foundation, Germany
Dr. Stefan Voigt | Open Search Foundation, Germany
Dr. Andreas Wagner | CERN, Geneva, Switzerland

Local Organization:
LRZ – Leibniz Rechenzentrum


Leibniz Supercomputing Centre LRZ, Munich, Germany and Online
Registration for this event is currently open.