Mar 4 – 5, 2024
Europe/Warsaw timezone
We are experimentalists (LHCb and BESIII) and theoreticians from Warsaw, Lund and Uppsala working on weak decays of charm baryons. From an experimental point of view, both LHCb and BELLE-II are ramping up their experimental activities, collecting new world record data sets. In recent years, several breakthroughs have occurred which motivate deeper theoretical explorations and understanding. In the recent report “50 years of Quantum Chromodynamics 50 years”  the status of weak baryon decays on the lattice is summarised
             "The lattice QCD calculation of form factors for weak decays of    baryons 
              is still in its infancy, because of the extra challenges provided by 
              the poorer signal-noise. “ (page 108, arXiv:2212.11107). 
       In light of this, we would like to bring together the expertise in lattice QCD, theory, phenomenology and experiment for an informal workshop in Warsaw, March, 4-5, 2024 to discuss possible joint experimental and theory initiatives related to weak decays of baryons. Such a project would require contributions from lattice QCD and phenomenology to describe the hadronic effects. In particular, we would like to understand the prospects for calculating the properties of weak baryon decays from the lattice in the nearest future.
The main topics of the discussion:
  • strange, charm and beauty baryon decays: non-leptonic, semi-leptonic, radiative, electromagnetic
  • possible tests of fundamental symmetries
  • exploration for new projects and future collaboration
  • new perspective from Lattice QCD enabled by exascale supercomputers and algorithm developments

The information about workshop 2023 can be found here

Ludwika Pasteura 7, 02-093 Warsaw
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