March 15, 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone

The March 2024 afternoon workshop of the LHC Physics Centre at CERN (LPCC) Forward Physics Working Group focuses on brief status reports from the LHC experimental collaborations pursuing forward physics. Future meetings are planned later this year for 15-16 July and 12-13 December 2024, where further presentations on wider topics are welcome. 

Forward physics is a diverse program at the LHC that requires innovative instrumentation and unique techniques to measure high-rapidity particles missed by standard central detectors. Special instrumentation ranges from near-beam spectrometers to zero degree calorimeters. Recent results have witnessed a remarkable breadth of advances underscoring the creativity of this community:

  • definitive elastic scattering measurements, 
  • nonperturbative dynamics of the strong force,
  • forward proton and neutron scattering,
  • photon fusion production,
  • collider neutrino measurements,
  • searches for prompt and long-lived particles beyond the Standard Model,
  • synergies with cosmic-ray observatories.

These developments open future opportunities to develop in exciting new directions.

This series of inter-experiment workshops provides a regular exchange of latest LHC results, ideas and techniques between experimentalists and theorists, sharpening open questions to chart future developments. We are a vibrant international community drawn to the richness of forward physics, where newcomers and early-career researchers are especially welcome to showcase their science.



4/3-006 - TH Conference Room
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The workshop will be by hybrid, both by zoom and in person at CERN.