[RADNEXT] Electronics Testing with High Energy Ions at the NASA Space Radiation Laboratory


Electronics Testing with High Energy Ions at the NASA Space Radiation Laboratory

NSRL Target Room

NSRL Target Room

The NASA Space Radiation Laboratory (NSRL) was designed to simulate the space radiation environment due to galactic cosmic rays by delivering high energy heavy ions and protons to the NSRL Target Room for radiobiology studies and electronics testing. After a first RADNEXT webinar on the Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL, of which NSRL is part of) past, present and future radiation effects testing activities, this presentation will focus on the advantages of using high energy ion beams, along with a variety of SEE testing techniques and the return-on-experience and lessons learnt from years of operating as a user facility for space electronics testing. Construction of a new dedicated High Energy Electronics Testing Facility (HEET) at BNL will be discussed.




Dr. Michael Sivertz (NASA Space Radiation Laboratory)

Dr. Sivertz earned a PhD. in experimental particle physics from Stony Brook University in 1983.  After collaborating with experiments at CERN, SLAC, FERMILAB, CESR, and RHIC, Dr. Sivertz joined the team at the NASA Space Radiation Lab (NSRL) in 2005.  He became the Principal Investigator of NSRL in 2022.


Registration for the seminar is now open. 

[RADNEXT] Electronics Testing with High Energy Ions at the NASA Space Radiation Laboratory
Zoom Meeting ID
Ygor Aguiar
Alternative host
Ruben Garcia Alia
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    • 14:30 14:35
      Introduction 5m
      Speakers: Dr Ruben Garcia Alia (CERN), Dr Ygor Aguiar (CERN)
    • 14:35 15:15
      Electronics Testing with High Energy Ions at the NASA Space Radiation Laboratory 40m

      The NASA Space Radiation Laboratory (NSRL) was designed to simulate the space radiation environment due to galactic cosmic rays by delivering high energy heavy ions and protons to the NSRL Target Room for radiobiology studies and electronics testing. The advantages of using high energy ion beams are described, along with a variety of SEE testing techniques.

      Speaker: Dr Michael Sivertz (NSRL)
    • 15:15 15:30
      Q&A section 15m