8–10 Apr 2024
SMI, Postsparkasse, Georg Coch Platz 2, 1010 Wien
Europe/Vienna timezone

Low energy antinucleon-proton annihilation

8 Apr 2024, 13:45
3rd floor (SMI, Postsparkasse, Georg Coch Platz 2, 1010 Wien)

3rd floor

SMI, Postsparkasse, Georg Coch Platz 2, 1010 Wien

Presence talk Nuclear and Hadronic Physics with antiprotons and antineutrons


Prof. Claude Amsler (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))


Low energy antiproton and antineutron annihilation at rest was studied at the CERN/LEAR facility between 1983 and 1996. However, the annihilation mechanism is still not fully understood and measurements at very low energies have not been performed. This talk will briefly review the current knowledge and provide guidelines for future possible experiments at the CERN AD/ELENA.

Primary author

Prof. Claude Amsler (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))

Presentation materials