26 January 2024 to 29 February 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone

Inspire ID instructions

How to find your Inspire ID number:

  1. Enter your name ( e.g. "f a Einstein, A") on https://inspirehep.net/.

  2. Click on your name in any of your articles and go to the author page. The URL address of this page contains your personal ID number.

    • e.g. for Albert Einstein, the URL is https://inspirehep.net/authors/1010907?ui-citation-summary=true and 1010907 is his personal ID number.

  3. Then click on your affiliation (Institute of advanced studies) and go to the institution page. The URL address of this page contains your institution's ID number.

    • e.g. for Princeton, the URL is https://inspirehep.net/institutions/903138?ui-citation-summary=true and 903138 is the institution's ID number.