First WG4 working meeting

Zoom Meeting ID
Piet Verwilligen
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    • 15:00 15:15
      Introduction to WG4 15m
      Speakers: Dr Maryna Borysova (Weizmann Institute of Science & KINR, NAS of Ukraine), Piet Verwilligen (Universita e INFN, Bari (IT))
    • 15:15 16:45
      Present yourself - Round Table
      • 15:15
        Interest of Universiteit Gent 5m
        Speaker: Kirill Skovpen (Ghent University (BE))
      • 15:20
        Interest of IFIN-HH 5m
        Speakers: Calin Alexa (IFIN-HH (RO)), Michele Renda (IFIN-HH)
      • 15:25
        Interest of Bursa Uludag University 5m
        Speaker: Ozkan Sahin (Uludag University (TR))
      • 15:30
        Interest of Universita & INFN Bari (RPC) 5m
        Speaker: Nicola Ferrara (Universita e INFN, Bari (IT))
      • 15:35
        Interest of INFN and Universita of Pisa 5m
        Speaker: Federico Pilo (Universita & INFN Pisa (IT))
      • 15:40
        Interest of Sao Paulo 5m
        Speaker: Tiago Fiorini Da Silva (Universidade de Sao Paulo (BR))
      • 15:45
        Interest of CERN GDD 5m
        Speakers: Djunes Janssens (Vrije Universiteit Brussel (BE)), Rob Veenhof (CERN)

        Djunes Janssens presented a summary slide on the simulation work on signals extracted from detectors with resistive elements that he has been doing for PhD thesis.

        Rob Veenhof listed his (recent) research interests in simulation: non-equilibrium effects (see presentation Ozkan Sahin). Understanding these non-equilibrium effects might allow to understand penning transfer in neon-based gasmixtures. Fixed step length might not be viable in for simulation of these processes. Experience with ions, separated between ion physics (which ion clusters?) and ion mobilities. Room for thesis students on Ion Physics as this subject has been neglected for years

      • 15:50
        Interest of UF (oral) 5m
        Speaker: Katerina Kuznetsova (University of Florida (US))

        Straw Tube Tracker + Electronics (INP Alamty)

        • simulation of straw tube response with Garfield++ and LT Spice
        • description in simulation + cross check results with data from testbeams and lab measurements
        • not able yet to predict correctly gain in ArCO2 mixtures


        ECOGas - CF4 reduction for CSC detectors (University of Florida)

        • good prediction with Garfield++ would be useful
        • setup for cross check simulation - data (CSC prototypes and straw tube), concentrating now on the gain (data available)


        Feasibility / Synergy with chemical calculations (Belgrade IGPC)

        • Quantum calculations of dissociation and ionization potentials and interactions with electrode surfaces
        • Next step: prediction of cross sections
      • 15:55
        Interest of NISER (oral) 5m
        Speaker: Tanay Dey (National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER) (IN))

        Simulation of RPCs with Garfield++

        • new class for parallel computations (based on openMP) pAvalancheMC = parallel Avalanche MC
        • interested in working on GPU acceleration for Garfield++
      • 16:00
        Interests of Pavia (oral) 5m
        Speaker: Ilaria Vai (Pavia University and INFN (IT))

        Pavia team has experience in Geant4 from CMS and Muon Collider activities, with simulations of RPC and MPGDs (GEMs and PicosecMM). Involved since more than one year in R&D of PicosecMM for Muon Collider applications, now would like to complete the study with also the simulation part, especially for the search of new eco-friendly gas mixtures.

      • 16:10
        Interest of Universita & INFN Bari (MPGD) 5m
        Speaker: Piet Verwilligen (Universita e INFN, Bari (IT))
      • 16:15
        Interest of Santiago (by mail) 5m
        Speaker: Diego Gonzalez Diaz (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (ES))

        Unfortunately I will not be able to join today due to parenting. As you know, I can (and am happy to)
        provide  orientation in any simulation topic related to gaseous detectors (conceptual level), and
        help any student to get familiar with the ideas and get started.

        Specifically, regarding my own personal interests, I'll be happy to do something on this front:

        of which, logically, I'd like to do first Ar scintillation and then Ar-CF4 scintillation.
        Including Penning-transfers under the same (purely microscopic) formalism is also a long-standing wish,
        so we do not need to rely so strongly on parametrizations (tough goal!).
        Including the above framework (e.g., the one in the above paper) in Garfield++ is not difficult, and I'll be happy to do, too.

        I'd need one student, of which I could, potentially, fund 1/2. I am open to discuss
        resistive spark-quenching simuls as well (I have an interest), under the same 1/2-1/2 scheme.

        In the meantime, I'll try to make progress by making use of free time of PhD students, bachelor and
        master, around here, using my academic environment.

        I hope you manage to imprint a collaborative vision and effectively coordinate. Asking institutes to
        contribute and expect things run on their own will not work, looking forward. It is a foregone conclusion.
        One needs to achieve 1+1 > 2, I believe. One of the reasons is that it is very difficult to get PhD students
        funded to work specifically on a simulation topic, but sharing could work. This is my own experience and
        looks like a way to start.

      • 16:20
        Ample time for your contribution - either orally or supported with slides 5m
    • 16:45 17:00
      Open Discussion 15m
      • documentation, examples, website
      • teaching, simulation exercises for detector school, organization of simulation school, ...

      Katerina Kuznetzova:

      • there are large groups, small groups, groups with specific interest (replace/reduce CF4)
      • it might make sense to have rough granularity on topics and create mail groups (or dedicated fora) for specific topics to have informal mail exchange. not only for specific questions but also to distribute basic information