18–19 Jul 2024
Physics and Astronomy (PAA)
US/Pacific timezone


Thursday Afternoon

18 Jul 2024, 13:30
PAC 211 (C211) (Physics and Astronomy (PAA))

PAC 211 (C211)

Physics and Astronomy (PAA)


Thursday Afternoon: Lecture Block 3

  • Matthew Feickert (University of Wisconsin Madison (US))

Thursday Afternoon: Lecture Block 4

  • Matthew Feickert (University of Wisconsin Madison (US))

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Vangelis Kourlitis (Technische Universitat Munchen (DE))
18/07/2024, 13:30
Ana Peixoto (University of Washington (US))
18/07/2024, 14:15
Matthew Feickert (University of Wisconsin Madison (US))
18/07/2024, 15:30
Matthew Feickert (University of Wisconsin Madison (US))
18/07/2024, 16:30
Alexander Held (University of Wisconsin Madison (US))
18/07/2024, 16:50
Building timetable...