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16th IPPOG Collaboration Board Meeting

CIEMAT, Madrid

CIEMAT, Madrid

Claire Adam Bourdarios (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)), Pedro Abreu (LIP - Laboratorio de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas (PT))

The 16th IPPOG Collaboration Board will take place on Wednesday afternoon, the 24th of April.


For the sake of transparency, we invite the full Forum to attend the Collaboration Board meeting. However, please note that only the Representatives and Invited Guests are expected to participate in discussion and only the Member Representatives are expected to vote.

To see the full agenda and attached documents, the collaboration board members need to sign in in Indico.


Before registering please note that you should:

  • Check all countries/labs/experiments you are representing, either directly or as proxy;
  • Assign a proxy if you cannot attend, so we can attain a forum, and kindly inform so she can assign privileges.

Please select your proxy carefully as she/he might be asked to make decisions on emergent topics that might not have been discussed prior to the meeting. Also note that when a CB rep appoints a proxy she/he has given hers/his representative right to vote throughout the whole meeting even if the original CB rep participates in the meeting through intermittent connections.


The meeting will be held at CERN

  • Click on Videoconference (left)

Please, for those people participating remotely, mind the following points helping to run the meeting smoothly:

  • When connecting to Zoom, please switch off your camera and mute your microphone. If you want or are asked to intervene, then unmute your microphone. If network allows and you don’t run into privacy issues, you can also switch your camera, as usually people like to see who is speaking.
  • For questions/comments please raise your hands! The Chair(s) will monitor the hands and pass you the word at the appropriate time.
  • The chat box will also be monitored in case you want to write a question/comment or are difficulties with the system


  • Alexander Sharmazanashvili
  • Ana Godinho
  • Anja Kranjc Horvat
  • Arturo Fernández Téllez
  • Beatrice Bressan
  • Bolek Pietrzyk
  • Catia Peduto
  • Cecilia Uribe Estrada
  • Christian Klein-Boesing
  • Christian Ohm
  • Christine Kourkoumelis
  • Christine Kourkoumelis
  • Claire Adam
  • Clara Nellist
  • Despina Hatzifotiadou
  • Dezso Horvath
  • Ehud Duchovni
  • Farid Ould-Saada
  • Freya Blekman
  • Gilllian Arendse
  • Hanife Olgunsoy
  • Ivan Melo
  • Jackie Bondell
  • Jesús Puerta Pelayo
  • Jon-Ivar Skullerud
  • Katharina Frank
  • Katharina Müller
  • Krzysztof Wieslaw Wozniak
  • Marcelo Gameiro Munhoz
  • Nicolas Arnaud
  • Paul Gravila
  • Pedro Abreu
  • Raul Sarmento
  • Sami Lehti
  • Sascha Schmeling
  • Spencer Pasero
  • Steven Goldfarb
  • Thomas Naumann
  • Vasil Karaivanov
  • Vojtech Pleskot
    • Collaboration Board
      • 1
        Speaker: Pedro Abreu (LIP - Laboratorio de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas (PT))
      • 2
        Adoption of the agenda and establishing the quorum
        Speaker: Pedro Abreu (LIP - Laboratorio de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas (PT))
      • 3
        Approval of last CB meeting minutes (endorsement)
        Speaker: Pedro Abreu (LIP - Laboratorio de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas (PT))
      • 4
        SPC members replacement

        Endorsement for the replacement of Jonas Strandberg and Deszo Horvath by Ivan Melo.

      • 5
        IPPOG's next meeting (2024 autumn & 2025 spring)
      • 6
        Procedures for next Chairs elections

        We propose to set up the Search Committee in the Autumn Meeting and have the election for the next Chairs, mandate 2026–2028, settled on the Spring Meeting, allowing for
        an effective overlap in the last quarter/semester of the previous mandate (2023–2025).

      • 7