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Zoom information
Meeting ID: 996 1094 4232
Meeting password: 125
Invite link: https://uchicago.zoom.us/j/99610944232?pwd=ZG1BMG1FcUtvR2c2UnRRU3l3bkRhQT09
Spring HEPiX was last week and there are lots of interesting talks attached to the Timetable: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1377701/ Note that Fall HEPiX will be at OU in early November...start getting your talks ready!
Quarterly reports are due. In WBS 2.3 we are missing: 2.3.2, MWT2, SWT2, HPC (2.3.3),,, CIOPS(2.3.5*)
Milestone updates are due. This link has the list of what milestone updates/changes/additions are known. Let Rob, Alexei and Shawn know of others.
Today through Friday is the Joint ATLAS / IRIS-HEP Kubernetes Hackathon (https://indico.cern.ch/event/1384683/) and we have quite a few people unable to join our meeting today.
The DC24 analysis for USATLAS sites is mostly complete but still needs a summary. We have already merged the site results into the WLCG DOMA final report.
Working on L3/L4 Management team composition
Updates on US Tier-2 centers
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