23–26 May 2024
Mitchell Institute, Texas A&M University
America/Chicago timezone

Ab initio Nuclear Calculations for Dark Matter Detection and CEvNS

24 May 2024, 10:45
Hawking Auditorium (Mitchell Institute, Texas A&M University)

Hawking Auditorium

Mitchell Institute, Texas A&M University


Baishan Hu


Over the past decades, ab initio nuclear calculation has made dramatic progress, especially reaching the heavy mass region as 208Pb recently. This means that it becomes possible to obtain first-principles computation (with quantified uncertainties) of quantities which even reside in the heavy-mass region. The quantities include these relevant for astrophysics and searches for physics beyond the Standard Model. In this talk, I will present a conceptual introduction to modern ab initio theory. Then, I will focus on recent advances in ab initio calculations of nuclear responses for dark matter (DM) direct detection and coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CEvNS), including nuclei $^{19}$F, $^{23}$Na, $^{27}$Al, $^{28-30}$Si, $^{70,72-74,76}$Ge, $^{127}$I, $^{133}$Cs, and $^{128-132,134,136}$Xe.


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